Chapter 55 - Were you the one I was meant to find?

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Regular rehearsals go on for a couple hours straight. today we finish all the non ballet dances ensuring to dot the i's and cross the t's. The salsa item is extremely fun-filled and we can dance to Kiss and Makeup without tripping and falling. So now, all's good.

At 7 the junior batches start leaving and the seniors go upstairs to finish the Giselle photoshoot for the brochure. Arjun and I haven't spoken much today. He performed his role perfectly and so I think we've both come to terms and decided to not speak about it.

"You really want to do this?" He questions when I show him the lifting steps.

"More than anything. I think it's going to make the dance perfect. Can you carry me?"

"I can. I mean what's your weight?" Arjun asks checking me out from head to toe.

"Where are your manners Arjun?" I fake a frown. Taking a step closer to him my hand reaches out to his and I place it on my hips. "Why don't you find out yourself." I say offering myself to him.

He smiles as his grip on my hips tighten, too much. He bends a little and lifts me off the floor.

I giggle in undiluted happiness, softy biting my tongue and he spins me around in his arms. I close my eyes and my hands reach for his shoulders as my back arches. After one round he sets me down, so close that our toes touch and his chin rests on my head. Oh my! So much for getting back to normal. How can I possibly manage to do that?

He keeps his hand wrapped around my waist as mine grip his shoulders. "I think I can carry you." He declares and my smile grows. I don't want to let go of him. My teeth sinks into my lip as I continue clinging to him.

"Agreed." I voice. He chuckles and the sound travels down my spine and makes me shiver. All at once, a loud thunder sounds, shaking the whole building right from the flooring underneath our feet to the ceiling above our head. The terrifying noise makes me gasp and latch onto him tightly on instinct. After a couple seconds of pin-drop silence I take a deep breath and we both step away.

"Do you think it's going to rain?" I ask trying to reduce the tension in the air.

"I can't say, I mean we're in the middle of December." And no sooner do the words leave his mouth, that all heavens break open. There is no subtle foreplay, no casual sprinkles, no gentle drizzles. It fucking downpours. The roof rattles as big drops whip it and a torrential storm hits us. Thunder rumbles loudly and makes the atmosphere- rain like. Not the sweet smelling soil kind, not the halwa pakoda craving kind, not the cuddling in the blanket and reading a worn out copy of Pride and Prejudice. No . None of them. But instead, the romantic, staring into his perfect brown eyes and drowning into them kind of feel. This not-so-foreign overwhelming feeling heats me up. A warm feeling of intense love that I experienced while reading The Fifty Shades series. Why am I thinking of this?

"Alia, if you don't plan to leave anytime soon, let's raise the volume on the speakers and continue what we started." Arjun breaks my chain of thought staring at me.

"I don't. Lets start." I mumble.

"Hey." He asks touching my elbow, brown eyes full of emotion. "Everything okay?"

No. Nothing's okay. Don't you see it? Don't you feel it? My insides scream. I cant think straight anymore. You're just, I don't even know, you just affect me so much in so many ways. "Just peachy." I choke sounding unconvincing. "What do you want to start with?"

"The step where I lift your around the stage. Let's do that a few times and then the whole dance?"


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