Chapter 21 - What.The.Hell.

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I switch on the lights of the gym room which houses 4 treadmills, mats, STAYFIT - steel plates, dumbells, dipstands and other gigantic cardio machines from DOMYOS. The biggest shocker though; I've never seen more than 2 lazy adults and 2 teenage girls in this house.

It's my turn to ask, "Are you okay Arjun?"

He remains silent for a few beats, the uneasiness lifting, there is a particular tension, of incredible attraction and hopeless denial. The hair on my neck stands in anticipation. "Yeah," he mutters "just remembering the steps."

"Let's practice shall we?" I smile softly, waiting for him to offer me his hand.

He walks off....... To the centre of the room. Okay. And holds out his left hand, his face utterly blank and weird. He's being creepy again. Jesus! What did I expect? Flirtatious figments and charming chivalry? Bloody hell!

I raise my eyebrows at my own absolute dumbness and place my hand in his. Calloused and warm unlike my own soft and cool ones. His right hand travels to rest on my lower waist, nervously. I wrap my fingers around his wrist and his hand higher. Fucking weird.

"Here. Remember this place not too high or low." I explain the placement of my actual waist. How sand blind is this dude?

"Cool." He acknowledges looking at me.

"Ready?" I begin the counts after he nods.
5,6,7,8, and
1,2,3   4-5-6-7-8 ; left together left turn 6-7-8.

We get through three complete sets before he stops. "Sorry, which leg?" He asks confused.

"For you left leg goes back and for me right leg goes front. Also, we ought to cover more space during the turn." I tell him.

"That's true," he agrees, suddenly releasing me. "You're already taking relatively big steps, so maybe I should more too in order to do that." He says scrutinising the space. Man this guy is good. He's actually using his brains!

"Yeah. That might do the trick." I confirm.

"Let's start from the top." He demands offering me his hand. This time his hand skims around my waist a couple seconds before setting correctly. Jesus! was he trying to find the spot? My conscious howls with laughter, rolling and falling off the bed. She's always sleeping or reading. Blasted lazy butt.

5-6-7-8 and,

"When do we have class tomorrow?" He asks missing a step.

"Same as today, 10am." I reply.

We finish five sets ending right in the centre, pretty close to where we started. Not bad at all. After few more practices our synchronisation and quality will improve.

His hands drop and he steps away from me, looking away. Okayyyyyy... I wipe my hands on my stockings, drying off the sweat from holding his hands.

"Listen, I need to go." He says looking darkly at me, sounding rough and determined. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Like fuck you will. "What? Class isn't over yet, you can't just leave. Did something happen?" Fear rises in my chest constricting my trachea.

"I don't feel to good. And I don't want to wait. I'll tell Shona a family emergency came up." He says looking straight into my eyes, scaring me..... almost. It's as if he's trying to say something to me, but can't.

"Arjun wait!" I whisper my heart rate increasing. But he turns and walks out of the room before my trembling words travel to him.

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