Chapter 6 - Ballet Class

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It's not just tremendously exasperating, but also unbelievably weird and pissing off, that I can't get any sleep. I slept less the past week due to exams and all my attempts to make it up are futile. Gahhhh. It is just 4:15pm. There really isn't much to do except watch movies, read, dance and like nothing else. I restlessly get off from my cozy, warm, comfy bed and decide to start packing. The trip to Bikaner is still 2 and half weeks away, but I'll take time to pack, so I open my cupboard and pull out all the woollens. After 5 minutes I'm bored and I conveniently plug into music and get back into bed. Screw packing.

"Sweetie, how was your day? When does ballet start?" Zizu opens my door and asks.

She walks inside and stares in horror at the mess I created. I do amazing stuff all the time :)

"Alia! What is this?" She asks slightly angry, while hugging me and kissing my face.

"I'm bored and jobless." I scowl at her like the indignant human I am.

"How come you didn't start a new book? You wanted to read 'The Da Vinci Code' from so long, and now you don't even want to do that?"

"Uff... Yeah I'll read it now. By the way, did Noor send pictures on the group?" My voice changes from pissed to slightly tolerable.

"Oh yes! Looks like you girls had too much fun. Here, why don't you see, I'm gonna freshen up and make you something to eat." And she leaves her phone and goes upstairs. Why can't I just get a god damn phone?

The pictures we took today at Truffles look wow. There is one of all the drinks together in a circle - something we always do. Sana's huge burger. She ate only 1/2. Lol! And a small Ferrero Rocher cake. And then pictures of our hilarious visages and bodies in school uniform.

Catching up with all the drama and cracking unfunny jokes and laughing over them is most definitely the best way to hang out. And good old Truffles just adds to that merry atmosphere. I start laughing loudly when I remember something that happened.
We all were obviously obnoxious and extra extra loud and everyone kept staring at us every now and then because of that. And when we were leaving the stupid females sitting next to our table were like " Thank God they're leaving". I'm mean that's such a bitchy thing to say. But it's funny so yeah.

I'm scrolling through the other chats when there is a text on the ballet group.

'Tomorrow's class is being rescheduled to 10am instead of 11:30am, for BATCH 5"

That's my batch. I'm not gonna text and ask, i'll just enquire in class. I pick out a baby pink backless leotard, skirt and lace stockings and prepare my bag for the evening class.


The class is long and tiring as always, but I feel rejuvenated at the close of it.
We practiced the first 2 scenes.
The first scene which comprises of Cinderella (meeeeeeeeeeee) feeding the birds and mice and playing with her adorable cat. Then the half curtains open and to reveal the forever grumpy and unsatisfied step mom and sisters. Cinderella is in deep trouble because she hadn't cooked the breakfast right and then there is some acting and then the snobby females stomp off stage.. Poor Cinderella picks up the broom and mops the floor.. ( I do a lot of that on stage :D)
After a few beats the invitation to the ball arrives. The step family members act like possessed weirdoes on hearing about ball.

At the beginning of the second scenes, the enthusiastic step mom calls a dance teacher so that her untalented daughters might learn the spelling of dance at the very least. Meanwhile smart Cindy learns the entire dance by simply observing the dance master. The step sis' make a fool out of themselves and stumble about like jokers. The disgusted teachers runs away and Cinderella laughs. I find that scene difficult. It makes me conscious to laugh my ass off on stage. Duh!

Then is a weird ass dance with a broom prince.. How Miss Shona ever thought of that will remain a mystery to me till I die. So then I do a little obnoxious dance with a short ass boy and I'm twirling on my own and when I turn around he disappears. Realization strikes hard. Oh Gosh! It was all a dream. I'M NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO TO THE BALL, DANCE AND SEE THE PRINCE! And then Cinderella is all sad and depressed. The second scene ends.


I slip off my ballet slippers and walk up to Shona.

"Good evening Ms Shona. Any special reason why you rescheduled tomorrow's class?"

Her face suddenly brightens up. "Oh yes. I've been so busy I forgot to tell you earlier." She places her fair, thin hands on my shoulders before continuing. "We found a Prince. He will come tomorrow for a rehearsal with you batch. Her ear to ear grin forces a small smile to appear on my face. But internally I'm dumbstruck and bewildered.

Am I ready?



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