Chapter 8 - HIM (His POV)

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Arjun's  POV

Something's vibrating. God. I'm I dreaming? Yes! No? Why won't it stop.....?

I rise up on my elbow, mad. I look for my phone, throwing the pillow in the process and out of anger.

Arghhhhh. "What?" I bark picking up the phone. Why is this person calling at 9 in the fucking morning?

"Arjun? The rehearsal is at rescheduled to 10:30. I've sent you the location. Don't be late!" Some female rushes. I think it's Alisha, I check to confirm.

"Yeah bye". I snap, hanging up. Why did I sign up to be a Prince in a ballet concert again? I close my eyes and flop back on another pillow. After a moment I open one to see the clock. 9:30. I need to leave in half an hour. Fuckkkk. Fuck. Fuck.

I grab a quick shower and style my hair. With a towel around my waist I walk out of the room and room and bang my sister's door just to piss her off. A sweet, annoying, precious little thing she is.

"Fuck off asshole". She howls. Her morning screechy voice hurting my ears.

"Language Aisha!" I shout back shaking my head. She's been getting a foul mouth lately.

"Ma. I need to leave in 15. Is the driver here or do I take a cab?" I lean over the staircase and enquire. The smell of sambar fills my nostrils. I swear to god, if she made uttapam again, I'll jump off the balcony. This isn't a joke.

"Driver's here Aroo"

"Mom stop calling me that gross name for God's sake." I beg, truly pained

"No" She announces.

Females and their drama and attitude and stubbornness and annoyingness. I roll my eyes and make my way to my room.

I put on skinny black jeans, a white t-shirt and complete black converse and pack a small backpack with socks, iPad, my phone, headphones, money and a water bottle from god knows when. I'm going to get bored to death, so this back-up is essential for ensuring my borderline survival.

I look at myself in the mirror before leaving and as ritual give myself a pep-talk, something I began a year back. The onset of teenage messed up shit and I had to put it right. This gives me confidence and power over myself, my careless and obliviously crazy self. Which is fucked up but like you don't need to relate. Therefore I begin,

"Today,  the 30th of November, is just another day. I'm thankful for yesterday and today, for family and this life I've been given a chance to live. I'm grateful for not having any regrets ever or sorrows at present. I'm the one in charge and I will not let anything go wrong. I'm strong, and controlled, and I will not fall. I've got it".

My brown eyes peer at their reflection in the mirror, bold and fearless. I square my shoulders and practice my smirk and fix my hair for a few minutes before leaving the navy blue room and heading downstairs. Honestly, I'd prefer grey because blue is self-depreciating.

"Ma, I'm going." I inform the her as I grab an apple off the table. " All the best, do well". She wishes . On my way to the laundry room I  give her a quick kiss ( I respect my mom too much. And showing it is important to her. So I don't back down) and on the way out I yell " Aish! Bye!"

" Bye. Don't stare at the girls." She laughs.

I told you. Women. Are. The. Worst.

" Are you going to start watching what comes out of your mouth, or???" I threaten giving her the eye and mouth only for her to see- " Do I tell mom, what I caught you doing last week?"

She breathes out like a bull and nods her head. Drama queen

"Can't hear you sweetheart." I tease her, biting back laughter.  She's gonna rip me apart.

"I'll watch my mouth" She agrees, "Fucker" she whispers.

Okay I'm done.


I get into the front seat and switch on navigation. After the driver understands the route, to some place in Ali Askar Road, I switch to Insta and zone out.

Behind all the carelessness that appears on my face is the real, control-freak, serious, downbeat, somber me. And no one, ever sees that. Because,

The truth isn't meant for everyone's eyes to see, everyone's mind to absorb and everyone's heart to accept.

And I've learnt that the hard way.

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