Chapter 66 - I want you to stay

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I climb up the first flight of stairs and stop to just breathe. Just take in all the cool December air, the freshness and the comfort it offers.

What am I waiting for? Why haven't I told him that I fucking love him???

Oh god Alia! I bang my head against the nearest wall and mentally slap myself all the way to the basement and back.

Wait a second.... Why have I actually not confessed to him yet?

Oh yeah, Because, tenth grade is waiting right ahead, like a freight train about to hit me, and lets not forget, I don't do relationships. I cant. Right?


I hear someone behind me. "You okay?" Arjun asks.

I swivel and start talking.

"Arjun you know what? Its okay! I'm really sorry about what happened to you. No one in the world deserves to be cheated on like that, and I cant even begin to imagine what kind of emotional and mental turmoil you went through. But dwelling on the past wont fix anything and neither will thinking about what could have happened. Because what matters is the present." I gather his hands in mine and continue. He's right, I talk too much! "Today. What you feel right now, during this party, this party that's already celebrating our concert. Cinderella and Giselle. Because we don't even know what happens tomorrow for god's sake. We are celebrating the day, just it, in all its unfathomable glory and wonder. Its just another day in the calendar, in this year, but its so special, because of the memories were creating now. You and me, and the dance and the music while silently praying that the show goes really really well tomorrow. That there are no screw ups and or fuck ups." I'm out of breath, but I repeat myself, "Arjun, I'm so glad we met, you know?" His expressions don't give much away.

I take another step forward, our faces so incredibly close that I can see his brown irises illuminating. My blood thickens, turning hot and fiery as the warmth from his body envelopes me.

"Arjun, I'm so so fucking glad that because of me, the glass of sangria got spilt on you and ruined your shirt. I'm glad that, we met even though I hated you at that point of time. That you are the Prince. It drives me to a delirious state when I think about how close we got. That we can talk to each other and confide and communicate. I'm thankful for all the intimate and precious moments we shared, even the times you dropped me during the lifts and I almost broke my coccyx." He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I press my thighs together while my heart thuds in my chest, out of fucking control.

"Arjun I'm glad we became friends, more than friends." I swallow drawing in much needed air into my lungs. "Every memory we've created is so special to me, but I cant seem to figure out, how it all even happened." I shake my head out in awe and wonder. He pulls out the U-pin holding my knot in place leaving my hair to cascade in unruly chocolate waves. My core trembles.

"It means so much to me, that I had the opportunity to find you. And I need you to know that. Because you didn't deserve to feel what you felt that night. But I believe that what happens, happens for the best, and hopefully one day it'll all make sense to you." That's it. My throat constricts and I choke as an onslaught of emotions overwhelm me. He holds me thoughtfully against his taut body when my knees wobble and threaten to give away.

"It already makes sense to me Cinderella." Arjun captures my heart once more with just that simple line.

However, I naturally toss a scowl at him for calling me that name, but it soon melts away, replaced by a small smile of hope and gratification.

He throws his head back and roars a laughter at my obnoxious pouty face.

"Arjun. Stop laughing and stop calling me that." I grate out, afraid to let the humor slip out of the conversation

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