Chapter 3: Paranormal activity?

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I came back home that day exhausted. My feet hurt, I had a headache and I was pretty sure I was going to be babysitting my sister till mum and dad get back from work.
It's not all bad babysitting my sister but the problem was she'd always scream up and down the house throwing stuff everywhere and it would be me picking all the stuff up and then getting the blame for not taking control of my sister.
I came back to my bedroom and this time it was all neat and tidy.
I flung my school bag like half way across the room and lay back in the bed for a moment.
Suddenly I heard my little sisters toys making a racket from her room. I sighed and went to investigate. I'm pretty sure my sister was downstairs when I last saw her.
I went into her room and the toys had all calmed down and there was no one in there.
Ok pull yourself together Katie I told myself.
Suddenly I heard the toilet flush from the bathroom I looked across to the room near my room and the door was wide open with no one in there.
'Katie?' A little voice said from downstairs.
Suddenly I heard my little sister screaming loudly shouting mummy and daddy.
I bolted downstairs nearly tripping over my own feet. 'Ellie?!' I screamed. As soon as I was about to go into the living room (where my little sister was) the door slammed in face.
My little sister was still screaming from inside. I tugged the door handle but the door wouldn't budge. It was locked.
'Ellie let me in!' I screamed as I started to bang my shoulder into the door still turning the door handle.
I went into the study and reached for the phone. I dialled my mums work number but I just heard a bleep tone from the other end. The phone had been cut off. Just great.
Suddenly the study door shut on me.
'No no no no no!' I said running to the door.
'Ellie!' I screamed for my little sister as loud as I possibly could. 'Ok you win! This isn't funny anymore! Let me out!' I shouted. There was no answer.
I still remembered I had my mobile. I grabbed it from my pocket and called Tom.
'Hello?' He said.
'Tom! Oh thank god. You've got to get down here I'm locked in the study and my sister isn't answering me when I try and call her!' I panicked.
'Ok, ok Katie calm down!' Tom said.
Suddenly the study door unlocked and started to open slowly..creaking as it moved.
I shifted my head curiously to see what was behind the door. Still having the phone to my ear.
To my surprise none was there, it was like the door have moved by itself.
I wondered out of the room and made my way to the living room/kitchen.
Surprisingly the door was wide open and I rushed inside and looked around for my sister.
Suddenly in a flash a wind brushed past me and knocked my phone out of my hands.
'Katie?' The voice said again.
I shifted closer and then..'BOO!' My little sister shouted as she popped up from behind the sofa.
My hand was on my chest and I started breathing heavily like I just had a shock. Instead I was relieved.
I ran up to my sister and picked her up.
'Don't ever do that to me again! Ok. You had me worried sick!' I sighed.
Suddenly there was banging on the door.
I put my little sister down. 'Ellie stay there!' I said.
She did as she was told and stood staring at me.
I rushed into the hallway and walked slowly to the front door. I got closer and closer and as soon as I reached it the banging started again.
I was cross between terrified and traumatised.
I slowly turned the lock and turned the handle I decided to get this over with.
I rolled my eyes and pulled the door open...
'Tom?!' I gasped.
I hugged him so tight I think I might of caused him to not breathe properly.
'Hey it's alright!' He said calmly.
I let go of him before he was gasping for air.
'Tom...come in..' I said.
It was time to tell Tom what has been going on here...

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