Chapter 12: My Demon...

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"What do you mean she's back?" Quinn asked. "You mean? Your demon thing..?"

"Yes Quinn! The demon thing, I thought Tom had got rid of her for good!" I snapped. Me and Quinn were on the bus back home after school and I had just told Quinn about my latest encounter.

"So how are you going to get rid of her?" Quinn asked fiddling with the sleeves of his thin brown jacket.

"I don't know, magic didn't work, so I guess nothing's going to work now. She must be really angry as well, because Tom warned her off she must be seriously pissed." I replied slouching in the chair folding my arms tightly.

"I've got an idea." Quinn suddenly said.

"What?" I asked.

"We can fight her using a voodoo doll." Quinn told me. I gave him a confused look. "A voodoo doll, those things where you can take control of a human being.." Quinn continued.

I looked around awkwardly and stupidly, "I-I know..what a voodoo doll is.."

Quinn raised his eyebrows, "right course you do."

I rolled my eyes sitting up suddenly, "look, where and how are we going to make or even get a voodoo doll?"

"Tom might have some, he said he's got a magic lair in his bathroom." Quinn said.

I narrowed my eyes, "what? I'll just pretend I know exactly what your saying."

Quinn ignored me, "and then all we need to do is maybe grab a piece of hair off your demon and thread it into the doll and then we can begin taking control of her, we'll be puppet masters."

"Quinn, hold up a minute, slow down, your getting way to carried away with this stuff, what if there is no voodoo you have a plan B?" I questioned.

"Y-yeah sure.." Quinn laughed awkwardly turning his head to stare at the passing city buildings outside.

"You don't do you, do you think I'm stupid Quinn?" I asked in annoyance.

Quinn turned his head at me, "well..."

I glared at him, "actually don't answer that. Look all we need to do is stop off at Tom's house and we can explain to him, yeah?"

"Right." Quinn agreed.

Me and Quinn sat in silence for a moment, staring around awkwardly at the bus. I stared ahead and suddenly saw my reflection waving coldly at me smirking at me. My heart started madly thumping, "Q-Quinn she's here...she's sitting right th-there."

"Katie I can't see anyone." Quinn replies.

"She's right there! Quinn she's there! Can't you see her?!" I yelled. A few confused people started looking at me, even the bus driver kept taking odd glances at me, like I cared, what did he know? "Katie stop it! Everyone's staring at us!" Quinn hissed grabbing my arm.

"Hmm, Quinn geek but a camera lover...I might have use for him.." My reflection echoed standing behind Quinn lightly tugging in the shoulder part of his jacket.

Quinn turned his head, "what was that? I felt like something was tugging my jacket."


Quinn sighed and pressed the stop bell on the green pole, "come on we're stopping Katie, everyone's looking at us and you need to calm down!"

I obeyed and grabbed my crutches as the bus screeched to a halt in the middle of the city, certainly not our
destination. "You might need to take that girl to the doctors son, she seems mentally ill." The bus driver jumped in before closing the doors.

"OH RIGHT, REAL FUNNY MATE!" Quinn yelled as the bus drove off.

"What do we do now? We're in town... I can't go all the way to Tom's on my crutches." I sighed.

"Look, let's sit somewhere, we'll go Costa, as long as you don't make a performance in there like you did on the bus." Quinn said putting his arm round my shoulders.

I smiled, "ok, I won't, I'm sorry I embarrassed you."

Quinn returned the smile, "it's alright, we'll talk more once we get into Costa, ok?"

I nodded as me and Quinn made our way to Costa.

I stirred the straw round my tropical smoothie taking occasional light sips from it, "Quinn, I'm telling you, she said she might have use for you."

Quinn stared at me, "yeah, but she'll never get me."

"You think? We have no idea what she's capable of? I mean, look at me, I'm in crutches because of her." I pointed out glancing down at my cast and then at my crutches which were neatly lying under the table.

"Well technically it wasn't her, you just fainted and your ankle gave way." Quinn corrected. I narrowed my eyebrows, "my ankle didn't give way, I twisted it as I fell, don't know how, but it just happened so quick."

"Why did you faint? What the hell were you doing?" Quinn asked tearing off a bit of bread from his ham sandwich.

I tapped my fingers lightly on the table before looking up at Quinn, "after Tom warned off my reflection I must of fainted and banged my head on the coffee table, and then I woke up in my bedroom, Tom was gone I didn't know where he went. Anyway my head was bleeding so I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I was in a right mess, I was crying in pain and fright, my head was bleeding and possibly was serious. I was right it was because I fainted, twisting my ankle at the same time and then woke up in the hospital."

"You seem to do a lot of fainting." Quinn replied.

"Oi, well it's hard when a demon is trying to possess you, I don't know what it wants with me Quinn, I'm so confused." I admitted laying my face in my hands in frustration. After a few moments I glanced up again and noticed the whole cafe empty, I looked in front of me and instead of Quinn the person was replaced by my reflection waving cheekily at me again. "No! Leave me alone! What do you want from me?!" I questioned. I looked around the cafe and noticed every chair was taken up by laughing ventriloquist dummies, rotating their heads so their painted faces were staring directly at me. The creepy manic laughs echoed the room.

The chair screeched back falling on the floor creating a massive clash as I limped up in shock as I screamed, "NO!"

I blinked and suddenly noticed tonnes of eyes staring oddly in my direction, I turned my head and saw Quinn quietly get up from his chair, "Katie, come on let's go now." He carefully placed his large hands on my shoulder as I stared around the room completely shocked, tears burning at the back of my eyes. "Let's just go and get some fresh air." Quinn whispered in my ear. I blinked as tears welled up in my eyes, "didn't you see them Quinn?"

"See what?" Quinn asked.

"The ventriloquist dummies...where everyone's sat now they were there." I told him.

Quinn grabbed my school bag and crutches passing them to me, "come on, let's just get out of here."

I grabbed my crutches and started making my way out of the cafe as Quinn walked fast pace next to me. "They were here Quinn, even she was...the demon."

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