Chapter 32: Nightmares

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I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water immediately feeling the impact of the heat. I slowly sat down at the bottom hugged myself as I started to cry. I didn't see what the point was telling Mr Fisher because he hasn't done anything about it yet so Cleo might as well just get on and continue to bully me. As for Jennifer, she can just go on ahead and kill me if she likes. I don't care anymore. I look at the bruises on my arms and continue to cry again.

After I finished my shower and changed into my pyjamas I walked backed through the hallway, tying my hair up into a messy bun.

"Katie! Have you heard the news?!" Someone said excitedly.

I spun round and saw Jazz standing there smiling at me. "No, what?"

"Cleo's getting sent home." Jazz smiled, excitedly.

"Really?!" I asked, excitedly.

This was the best news I've ever heard.

"Apparently, your parents called, and decided that they didn't want you getting bullied anymore. So the witch is off!" She cheered.

I smiled weakly. "That's great."

I'm glad Cleo was going but now Jennifer was the problem. I mean she threatened me with a knife. Never mind that she tried to kill me with it.

My bottom lip trembled as tears filled up in my eyes. "Jazz.."

"What's wrong now?" Jazz asks.

"It's Jennifer...she tried to kill me.." I told her. "But you can't say anything, we keep it between us two, okay? Don't even tell Tom or Quinn. Not a word, please Jazz."

"Okay, I won't, I promise," Jazz says. "But Katie, what the hell? What was she doing with a knife?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"If she attempts anything else your gonna have to tell someone." Jazz tells me.

"They won't believe me." I cried.

"Yes they will." She told me placing her hands on my bare arms.

"Ow." I winced. She must of accidentally squeezed one of my bruises.

"What?" Jazz asks, she glances at my arms and sees all the bruises. "Oh...sorry..did you show Mr Fisher these when you went to tell him about Cleo?"

I shook my head. "I don't think Tom knows either."

Jazz smiled at me. "Come on, let's get back to our dorm.


I slowly walked down the hallways, they were dark. The only light that shone was the moonlight reflecting through the window. I continued to walk, feeling every fear as I looked around the dark. It was like I couldn't see, yet I knew where I was and where I was going. I was heading to my dorm. I lay my hand on the doorknob and twisted it, it felt cold: sending shivers down my spine. It was weird, I felt as if I was being watched the whole time.

That's when I heard a evil laugh that immediately made my blood run cold. For a moment I felt a hand brush against my back and my breath hitched as I turned round to see nothing there. But something was there. To avoid getting scared out of my wits even more I bursted into my dorm and was met by a horrific sight. I saw myself. Lying on the floor, my head turned the other way, away from me. Blood was running from my stomach.

I looked up to see Jennifer standing over me, madly smiling, clutching a knife in her hand. Then in the corner was my reflection, waving at me and chuckling. Suddenly someone ran in. It was Tom. He was screaming my name in such hurt and pain and sorrow. He fell to his knees next to my body and gently turned my head towards him with his hand.
I shook my head as I felt a tear escape my eye, I shifted closer and Tom was now crying.

He gently lifted my limp body up a little and rested his forehead against my pale one. His crying was the only sound that could be heard in the room. It was heartbreaking. But I was here. I was only standing right behind him. I tried to scream his name as loud as I could but for some reason he couldn't hear me. I looked over to see Jennifer drop the knife carelessly, smirking. Tom looked up at her and his face hardened as he screamed at her.

He still held on to my body like he didn't want to let go and looked back down at me again, cradling me in his arms. I looked over to the corner of the room where my reflection still stood as she started giggling evilly. It was so evil and so mad I shook and trembled in terror. I looked back at Tom and decided to shout his name again. He had to hear me I was here. Why couldn't he see me? Was it because I was a ghost? And I was dead?

"Tom!" I screamed. "It's me! I'm here!"

He didn't even look round. I started shaking as I looked at myself that was still in Tom's arms. Lifeless. Dead. No spirit in there to keep me alive. I screamed for Tom again louder this time. I wasn't going to give up so I kept on screaming and screaming...

"Katie!" A voice echoed. "Katie! Calm down! Katie!"

I shot up from my bed, screaming the place down as I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"Katie! Shh, calm down." A voice cooed. I looked up in fright just to see that it was Jazz. My breathing started to get raspier and I was starting to hyperventilate.

"Katie, breath, breath," Jazz instructed, starting to slowly breath in and out. "In and out, that's it."

I started to breath in and out along with her and started to calm myself down. I then sighed and hugged her tightly. Jazz hugged me back gently, rubbing my back reassuringly.

I sniffled and pulled out of the hug.

"What was the dream about?" Jazz asked me. "You were hysterically screaming Tom."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does." Jazz tells me, firmly but calmly.

I looked over to see Jennifer staring at me. The stare was cold but there was almost a look of concern on her face. "It doesn't, it was just a nightmare. I'm alright now."

Jazz stares at my wiping the tears gently off my cheeks with her thumb. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and she smiled.

"Okay, you should get back to sleep." Jazz smiles reassuringly at me.

I return the smile weakly and lie back down and pull the covers just over my shoulders. As soon I see that Jazz had fallen back asleep I just stayed awake. I couldn't go back to sleep. Not after that nightmare. It completely tore my heart out to see Tom crying over me while I was just lying dead on the floor. But why was my reflection in the nightmare? Did this mean she's come back for revenge. Am I going to die while on this trip?

I just really hoped that for my sake that this nightmare wouldn't come true.

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