Chapter 9: It isn't over

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After a good few minutes crying, I managed to pull myself up from the ground and make my way to the front door. I wiped more tears away as I slotted my keys in the key hole and let myself in the warm house. I was absolutely soaked through with rain but I didn't care, I don't think I should of shouted at dad I took it too far, I made him think that he is the worst dad in the world, who does that?
I quickly changed into a woolly blue jumper, black leggings and black socks, I dried a bit of my hair and pulled it up to a messy bun, I splashed water on my face so it didn't look like I had been having a crying marathon. Before I could do anything else there was a loud knock on the door.
I took a deep breath and walked towards it, I slowly opened it to see Tom standing there obviously drenched from the rain, his quiff had flattened down near his forehead and I chuckled a bit at the sight.
'You better come in!' I said trying to be as cheery as possible.
'Thanks.' He laughed raking his hand through his wet hair so that he swept away the hair from his forehead.
'You are drenched, you can borrow some spare clothes from my brothers room.' I offered.
'Are you sure?' He asked his eyes widened.
'Yeah, my brother won't mind, anyway he's in New York for 6 months, he won't know anyway.' I explained smiling a little.
'Ok, cool, is there any chance I dry my hair.' He asked awkwardly.
'Tom!...yeah, sure, whatever, the hairdryer's on the stairs.' I said.
'Ok, thanks, I'll be quick I promise!' He yelled as he made his way to the spare room.
I rolled my eyes knowing that he probably won't keep his promise as he takes ages to sort his precious hair out. I sat crossed legged on the sofa waiting silently for Tom to come back.
After about 10 minutes of waiting, Tom came back, his hair now surprisingly spiked up.
'How did you...?' I paused.
'Don't worry about it.' He said smiling.
He walked over to the sofa and sat down next to me.
'I tried to find you in the hospital everywhere, but you weren't there...did anything happen?' He asked.
I bit my lip nervously, it was best telling Tom what happened.
'Um...I had row with my dad..because he basically said that he cared more about his work than family.' I sighed tears welling up in my eyes again.
'Really? He said that?' Tom asked clearly shocked.
'Kind of, he said he was caught up with work and he didn't have time to come to the hospital.' I admitted staring at the floor.
'It wasn't his fault, he probably wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible but couldn't!' He said.
'Your right, it wasn't his was mine.' I said as a tear lightly dropped on my cheek.
'It wasn't your fault Katie.' He argued.
'Yes it was! It wasn't the demon, I chose to do those things, even though it controlled me!' I cried.
'Katie, you need to stop blaming yourself!' He said firmly but calmly at the same time.
'I've pushed everyone I love away from my life..I'm alone Tom.' I said quietly.
He held my hand as I turned to face him.
'Your not alone Katie...everyone loves you, your mum, your dad..' He paused for a moment before saying the last part.
'And I love you.'
My stomach flipped. 'You don't mean that.' I said looking away from him.
'I do mean it.' He replied.
I lifted my head up and faced him, our eyes locked.
He meant it, and I knew he wasn't lying.
I felt myself get closer to him and it left me thinking, this is probably the first time I've kissed Tom but it felt right, at the moment he's the only one that cares about me, and when I felt my life was falling apart because of a pesky demon he was there even if I upset him really bad he still forgave me. He kept me strong when mum was taken to hospital and he made me believe that everything was going to be alright and it is.
After a few seconds I pulled away and looked at my trembling hands, something still didn't feel right.
'What's wrong?' Tom asked concerned.
I looked across to the kitchen and my heart started racing.
There she was, staring at me, her eyes full of anger.
She looked exactly like me, like the one I saw in the library.
'Katie?' I heard Tom say.
I stood up and stared at her.
'Tom she's here.' I managed to say without my fear overtaking me.
'Who?' Tom asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
'She's there.' I said still staring at her.
'Katie I can't see anyone.' Tom said confused.
I tried to look away from her but I couldn't, in fact I couldn't move from the spot I was in and my eyes were just transfixed to her.
'Katie look at me.' Tom ordered.
I shook my head tears welling up in my eyes.
'I can't.' I cried.l
'Of course you can.' Tom chuckled.
'Tom, she's done something to me...I can't move!' I tried my best to yell but it only came out as a small cry.
I felt my lungs burn up and I started to get hot. Drops of tears started falling one by one as I was still staring into her cold eyes.
'Katie listen to can fight this, I believe in you, whatever she's doing fight it back!' He yelled.
I couldn't fight, no matter how hard I wanted to, I just couldn't I was getting weaker, I felt my evil reflection draining me.
'Katie!' Tom yelled louder than ever when he noticed my eyes fill with black. I knew my eyes were filling with darkness, I could feel it, she had come to take me over.
Tom's voice only came as an echo now as I began to close my eyes.
'Katie, I know your still there and you can hear me, your stronger than this please listen to me..' He was trying his best to yell but I was already falling into the demons hands once again.
Then he whispered.
'I'm sorry'
I was confused he hadn't done anything but I was to weak to ask him why.
'Wherever you are, whoever you are, I'm not going to let you take her, I'm Tom Clarke from the magical line of Crowe and I will stop you.' He shouted.
Suddenly different colours flashed in front of my eyes and I saw my evil reflection scream before my eyes closed and my vision went black...

I woke up slightly disorientated, I had no idea where I was, I looked around the room rubbing my eyes slightly.
'Hello?' I called out, no one answered.
I tried to remember what happened before I lost conciseness, Tom did something but my mind was totally blank I couldn't remember.
I kept trying to stand up but my ankle kept giving way and I fell back on the floor again too many times.
"Hello?" I called out again.
I sighed when there was no response, I suddenly felt a terrible pain on my head like needles were shooting through it I touched it and felt something hot and it felt like liquid.
My heart started racing when I looked at my hand and saw the sight of blood. My blood.
With strength this time I managed to get up and force myself to the bathroom, as soon as I saw my reflection in the mirror, tears stung my eyes blurring my vision.
I could only see the blood running from the gash in my head, I didn't know how deep the wound was and how I did it in the first place but it stung like hell and I knew I needed to go to the hospital. The blood was now running down my face and I could see drops of it fall onto the porcelain white sink staining it red. I closed my eyes tightly letting tears pour down my face, where was Tom? He was definitely here before I knew that but where was he now? Did he leave me?
Suddenly everything started spinning and I knew I couldn't do anything now, there's no one else here to save me or help me in any way. I let myself fall on to the floor and shut my eyes.
There's nothing I can do now, I can't fight anymore...
Maybe this is for the best.

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