Chapter 20: He's Dead

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I felt myself starting to regain consciousness, I don't know how long I was out for, but it felt like days, weeks, even months. It's hard when you can't keep track of time when your eyes are closed. It's like taking a nap and not knowing if it was day or night. My eyes lifted open and finally I could see (kind of) everything was a blur, it was heard to get things into focus. I groaned as I felt an achy pain at the side of my head, I'm surprised I'm not dead by now. I lifted up my hand which was lying next to my head and saw blood underneath it. For gods sake. I'm really surprised I'm not dead.

Faintly, I could hear shouting coming from downstairs, the voices were to faint for me to work out who it was. It was hard to sit up so I lay there, in pain. My head was so painful, I felt tears rolling down the side of my face. I could hear yells and screams now, what was going on? Suddenly I heard the door burst open and someone yelled my name and crouched down in front of me. They lifted me off my lying position as I started groaning again, due to the pain.

"It's alright I'm here. Shh." A voice cooed.

I was sat up on the floor now, leaning at the side of the bed frame. My sight was getting more clearer now and I saw my blood; soaked up in the beige coloured carpet. I rolled my head to one side, groaning in pain again.

"Katie." A figure came into the room, the same figure that had sat me up.

I looked at the face and finally noticed who it was. Tom. I tried to move forward but I felt my body lean back on the bed frame again.

"Don't try to move." Tom demanded, softly.

He held up what looked like a wet cloth and I felt a cold sensation rest on the side of my head. A sharp pain hit me a first making me squeeze my eyes shut. "Ow."

"I know, I know." Tom said, trying to calm me down.

"Wha..what happened..?" I asked. "Where's Quinn?"

"Katie, he's at hospital." Tom told me.

My heart started racing as my stomach flipped over. "What?"

"He jumped off a bridge, it was only one of those little bridges, that's not got a lot of height but he hit hard." Tom told me.

I felt more tears prickle my eyes as a massive lump grew in my throat. "B-but..h-he.."

"Katie keep still." Tom ordered, gently. "They said he might not last the night."

My mouth dropped open. "H-he...can't...d-die.."

"How did you do this Katie? The head injury is not as bad as the other one you had but it's still bad. I think I've cleaned most of the blood up." Tom told me.

"Q-Quinn...the d-demon got him...h-he was possessed..I think...and the demon wants me to suffer...I felt my head hit that wall and I was knocked out.." I explained.

"Well your not suffering anymore." Tom said.

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"We did it Katie, me and gran performed a spell and destroyed the demon, grandad's taking it's left overs back to the Neverside. Your safe. I promise." Tom said.

I managed to pull a smile before reaching and hugging him tight. "Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Tom hugged me back. "Your welcome, she's gone for good and she's not coming back, ever."

I pulled out of the hug; my smile fading. "But Quinn."

Tom's smile fell. "Katie, the doctors said it would be a miracle if he even flinched, let alone wake, he's fallen into a coma and the doctors said he won't last the night. Turns out he hit is head as well when he jumped off that bridge, now I know the demon must of made him do that."

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. "He can't die! He's my best friend!"

"I'm sorry Katie." Tom whispered.

"I want to see him." I plead.

"You can't." Tom said. "Family only, just to say their last goodbyes to him."

That's it. That just got me straight. I broke down into tears in Tom's arms. I tried to reassure me but it didn't help, all I wanted to do was just cry a river. Quinn was going to die. And it was all my fault.

2 days later
Quinn's dead. That's the only two words that rang out in my head since I got the news. Quinn's dead. His mum was a mess, as you can imagine, first she loses her husband and then her son. I've been locked up in my room since I heard the news. I haven't slept, eaten, and the only thing that was keeping me hydrated was a single, small glass of water.

I decided to come back home. Obviously. I had nowhere else to go. Mum and dad apologised but I obviously didn't listen because I was too upset about Quinn's death to even think about apologies. I don't know if there was going to be a funeral yet. But I had a feeling. At the back of my mind. That he wasn't dead. He couldn't be. He had to be alive.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I turned my head to see Kelly walk in.

"Are you ok, hun?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Sorry. Stupid question." Kelly chuckled a little as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"He's not dead Kelly, he can't be dead." I said.

"I'm sorry, Katie. He is." Kelly said, taking my hand.

Only one thing was going through my mind.

He isn't dead.

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