Chapter 24: Questions

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I watched the passing shops, and buildings out of the car window. Who knows, this could be the last time I see the outside world for years. I could go down for murder, and it wasn't even my fault. I closed my eyes and allowed more tears to flow down my cheeks. It was starting to thunder and pound it down with rain, I watched the raindrops one by one fall on the window and race down. Kind of reminded me of when I was younger and when I used to think the raindrops were having a race.

To my disappointment the car halted and was now parked at the police station. The car door to my side opened and the policeman undid my seatbelt for me. I felt like I was 5 years old again. But obviously I couldn't do it myself because I was handcuffed. He took held of my head and guided me out of the car. He slammed the car door shut and the two policemen led me inside, just as I heard another loud rumble rip through the sky.

After about 5 minutes of waiting a woman took me and started taking my fingerprints, she cut off a single strand of my hair and took some of my DNA by the looks of it. I fiddled with the ends of my woolly cardie as they bring me in it a dark room and sat me down on a chair. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked to my left as the door shut heavily. I felt my heart racing as I looked at the black tiles, lining the wall. Tears started to prickle my eyes as suddenly two people came in. A man and a woman. They took their seats opposite me and kept staring at me coldly, making me slightly nervous.

They pressed what looked like a recorder and stated their names and then my name. Great. I hate interviews.

"Katie, you were seen at 1pm this afternoon, a resident had phoned an ambulance at quarter past and then called the police. You were seen stabbing Daniel Watts." The man tells me.

I shake my head as the woman takes hold of a brown envelope and lifts up what looked like photographs. She laid them spread out on the table and shifted them towards me. As soon as I saw the pictures of the murdered Daniel Watts I immediately started hyperventilating. Why would the police let me see this? He was completely covered in blood, his face smashed in stab wounds everywhere. It looked like something of a horror movie. And I didn't like it. I scanned through all the pictures as my breathing got raspier, I suddenly lashed my hand out and wiped them off the table, screaming in distress at the same time.

I buried my head in my crossed arms and started to cry. Tears wetting my cardigan and spilling onto the table. I can't go through with this. Not this pain. I didn't do anything. I cried harder. Giving myself a headache. I didn't care. I wanted to be free. But I wasn't going anywhere.

I don't know how long I've been here now, it feels like I've been here hours. I suddenly hear the door open and the woman that spoke to me before speak. "We've decided to get someone you know to try and get through to you."

I ignored her and lay my head the opposite way so I was facing to my right, I looked at the clock. It and only been 20 minutes since I had the breakdown. I felt more tears slide down the bridge of my nose as a figure blocked off my site of the clock. I heard the door heavily shut again and through my tears I saw who was sitting there.


I sniffled and squeezed my eyes shut, allowing more tears to flow through.

"Katie, I'm here now. There's no one else. Just us two. You want to tell me what happened? How all of this kicked off?" Tom asked softly, I felt his hand lay on my arm.

I nodded a little and lifted my head up and looked at him. "Y-you hate me...don't you?"

Tom reached in and held my hand. "No I don't, I don't believe this was you. Not for a second."

"I'm not killer." I cried.

"I know your not." Tom says.

"I-it was her." I started.

"Your..." Tom thought for a moment. "...twin?"

I nodded. "Yes. She murdered him. Framed me."

Tom nodded. "You tell the police that, and you'll be out of here. Ok?"

I nodded again just as the two detectives that tried to question me before came in.

"Can Tom stay?" I asked.

The woman nodded. "Of course."

"Interview resumed at 2pm, Saturday, 13th November." The man said as he took his hand off the recorder button.

"Don't worry, we heard everything." The woman said.

My heart was beating fast now. "About the twin?"

The woman nodded. "Can you tell me about your twin...sister...what is she like?"

"I never really met her." I started to say. I had to try and lie at some parts, they wouldn't believe me if I sad she was a demon. But I did go on to tell them about how she put mum in hospital and then me, and getting me into all sorts of trouble. Pestering me and threatening Quinn that she was going to kill him and his mum.

"So your parents don't know about this twin?" The woman asked.

I gulped. "No."

"Then how do we know your telling the truth?" The man asks.

My eyes widen as I feel them brim up with tears. "You don't believe me? Ask my whole class who officially hate me because she told everyone a lie, saying that she got sent to an orphanage when that never happened! I've never even met her! Please I'm begging you, this wasn't my doing, I didn't do anything wrong, I would never kill, she's a monster. And I want you to find her and I want you lock her up and throw away the key."

"So your telling me that this isn't you in this CCTV footage." The woman starts as she presses play on the remote to a little TV screen hanging on the ceiling.

I look at it as I see Katy repeatedly stabbing the man, a tear drops down on my cheek as I look back at the detectives. "NO!"

"TURN IT OFF! Please..." I beg as I bury my face in my hands.

"We don't have any evidence that this is your twin." The woman said.

"Can I just ask, when did this happen?" Tom asks.

"Exactly 1pm in the afternoon." The woman replies.

"Then if your claiming that's her. Then why at 1pm would she be with me at the cinema, at that exact time it happened, hm?" Tom asked.

"You two were at the cinema at 1pm?" The woman asks.

Me and Tom nod at the same time.

The woman pressed stop on the recorder and then asks us where my 'twin' might be hiding.

"I don't know. She could be anywhere." I answered.

"Send the police out, on a big search this could take a while." The woman says to the man standing up.

"We'll come with you." I say.

"No, you stay here with Tom in the waiting room, just situated down that corridor. You'll get sent for, for any news." The woman tells me. As they run out I look at Tom and he stares back at me.

We both get up at the same time and make our way to the waiting room.

1 hour later
"Thank you." I say to Tom after our little conversation.

"It was nothing, you can't go down for this." Tom tells me.

I smile at him as I start lean closer to him, he starts to lean in as well and I feel his hair brush against my forehead. My lips almost met his until we were interrupted my the door bursting open.

Me and Tom pull away instantly and I turn my head and see the male detective staring at me, concerned. "Katie, we've got her, we've got your twin."

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