Chapter 10: Doesn't care

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My vision tried to focus where I was but I couldn't see properly my eyelids felt heavy and I couldn't feel my body, I kept seeing lights flash by that's all I could see and white tiles. I could hear faint panicky voices but I was to tired to think about where I was and what the voices were saying. I tried to move my head on to one side but I just got massive throbbing pains there and I didn't attempt to try again.
A blurry shadow loomed over me telling me something, it sounded like they were telling me to keep calm and try not to move. I let my eyes shut again hoping I could get away from here.

Katie? Can you hear me?
The voices kept echoing in my head, I was trying to work out if they were real or just all in my head. I let my eyes open to see a blinding light making me immediately close them again.
"Sweetheart take your time." A person told me calmly.
My head was banging and I felt a terrible pain in my ankle. Suddenly I felt my hand slip into another persons hand, I tried to adjust my eyes to the light but the persons face was a blur.
"I'm here Katie, I'm so sorry." I recognised the voice as the face managed to focus on me.
It was my dad.
I stared at him, I knew that I yelled at him but I didn't want to upset him and I knew I needed him, so I smiled warmly at him as best as I could.
"My head, dad, it hurts." I whimpered as tears started stinging my eyes.
"Shh, I know sweetheart, you've badly banged your head so they've X rayed you to make sure nothing's broken" dad explained.
"my ankle" I pointed out.
Dad breathed out. "When you fell you badly fractured your ankle."
"But how?" I cried.
"I can't explain everything now, your going to have an operation to make sure." Dad told me.
"Can you come with me dad?" I asked tears trickling down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry sweetheart I'm not aloud but I'll be with you as soon as you come out I promise."
I sniffed. The pain was unbearable, I've never felt like this in my life it was horrible, I felt like I was dying. What if I was?
Where was Tom? I only remembered that he was last in my house but he just kind of disappeared after. I needed him, he was with me through everything so why not this.
"Dad, is Tom here?" I asked weakly.
"No sweetheart he's not been at the hospital since he left to follow you." Dad told me smiling at me.
My heart sank, but suddenly it all came flooding back to me.
He did something before I blacked out and it made the demon start screaming like it was being destroyed he said something like he was from the magical line or something.
I felt the bed I was in suddenly start moving and soon enough I was in the corridors again I then felt something sharp go through me and I flinched and turned my head and then I saw him.
Tom. Standing there motionless, he had a blank expression on his face and stared right through me which sent cold shivers down my spine.
And then I blacked out.

"She's all done." A voice said as I started to wake up.
"In a few weeks she'll be fine." The voice said again.
I groaned making the two faces stare at me.
"Hello sweetheart, my name is Miss Hughes, how are you feeling?" The kind woman asked me.
"Better, it doesn't hurt as much anymore." I said quietly.
"That's good honey, and can you maybe tell me what happened when you fell?" She asked again.
I stared at her, I couldn't tell her the whole story about my house being haunted and a demon possessing me and then seeing my boyfriend act really strangely.
"Um....maybe later." I told her.
"Ok sweetheart just tell me when your ready I'll leave you to rest." She nodded leaving me lying there all patched up on a hospital bed.

1 week later
I didn't want to stay in the hospital I had to breath in their horrible chemical smells 24/7 and I had to lie their in that bed every day with just a single white sheet on me and a hospital gown on which I loathed. I just wanted to get out and be free but I was stuck with this horrible heavy cast on my ankle, every time I learnt how to use crutches up and down the corridors I horrifically had to witness some family's mourning their dying loved ones.
Every day some of my family members and friends would come and give me cards and presents, my little sister made me a cute one with a drawing of me and her holding hands and inside was get well soon. I started welling up when I saw it but I don't want to cry, not in front of anyone, that would be embarrassing.
Quinn came in yesterday with a ridiculously massive teddy bear saying get well soon on the front, and he had a massive cheesy grin on his face which always creeped me out.
But I hadn't heard anything from Tom, it's been more than a week now, and I was starting to worry.
"Has Tom come by recently?" I would ask people and my response was always a no and a shake of the head.
Maybe he didn't care about me anymore.

I gripped on tight to the top of my crutches I was doing well now and I was getting used to them as well.
"I did it." I told my favourite nurse miss Hughes, I now call her Carrie as that's her real name but also because she's been there for me for ages now and she's the kindest nurse on the ward.
She high fived me, "well done Katie, your doing really well now."
"Thanks." I said.
"Oh by the way there was a boy asking for you downstairs near the cafe.
My heart started thumping, "what did he look like?" I asked her.
"He had dark brown hair and it was up in a quiff kind of style and he had big brown eyes and he was wearing a read T-shirt and blue skinny jeans." She explained.
"Is he still here?" I asked her.
"Well I suppose he would be." She said.
"Thank you Carrie." I thanked quickly making my way to the lift and pressing the bottom floor button.
After 3 weeks he finally shows up.
And he's got some explaining to do.

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