Chapter 28: Jealousy

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I woke up the next morning to a couple of girls arguing outside our dorm. I stirred and groaned as I turned on my back and lazily lay my arm in front of my eyes to dodge the light from the windows.

"Get up, Katie." Cleo retorted pulling the another set of curtains back.

I moaned and rolled onto my stomach burying my face in the pillow. I was the worst for getting up in mornings. I was always a heavy sleeper which is why mum and dad had always struggled to get me up in the morning for school.

"What time is it?" I asked, in a low voice.

"Why you asking me?" Cleo questioned.

I sat up and glared at her. "I was asking anyone, actually."

Cleo rolled her eyes as more arguing continued outside the door.

"Who is that arguing? I'm trying to sleep!" I heard Jazz grumble.

"You have to get up anyway." Jennifer snapped as she started to make her bed, neatly.

"Fuck off." Jazz snapped pulling the cover over her head.

I pressed my lips together to try and not laugh at Jazz's comment as the look on Cleo and Jennifer's faces our priceless.

I rubbed my eyes, tiredly. It felt too early to get up. I checked my phone for the time 9:00. That was too early for me.

"What the hell are you doing sitting round in bed for? You have to get ready you idiot. Mrs Blake said we have to be down in the dining room by quarter past 9." Jennifer spat at me.

"I have noticed." I snapped throwing the rest of the cover off my body before pulling my suitcase out from under the bed.

Cleo let out an angry sigh before walking over to Jazz's bed, she grabs the cover and pulls it off Jazz as it lies on a heap on the floor.

"Jazz!" She shrieked. "Your gonna end up getting us into trouble."

"That's your problem." Jazz snaps.

"Ugh!" Cleo sighs before stomping out of the room, Jennifer following after her.

"She really needs to experience what having fun is like. She might actually enjoy it." Jazz groans, sliding out of her bed.

I let out a little chuckle as I grabbed some clothes from my case. Mr Fisher told us all that we were mostly spending the day in the forest today so I had to pick out something suitable. I picked out a pair of skinny jeans, a black T-shirt and a red and blue checkered shirt to go over it.

"What exactly are we doing for team building?" Jazz asks as she starts to fix her hair.

"I have absolutely no idea," I said. "I'm gonna get changed."

"Okay." Jazz says, struggling with what looked like a tangled piece in her hair. I walked over to her and pulled out a grip that was the cause of making her hair so tangled.

"Oh, thanks. I completely forgot I left that in." Jazz chuckles.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room to be immediately met by chaos. The argument that woke me up this morning was obviously still going on and it looked like it was between Jan and Tabby.

"I know you took it, Jan!" Tabby screamed.

"I never did!" Jan yelled back.

Mrs Blake suddenly came into view, trying to calm them both down. I fought my way past the other girls who were crowded round to see what the racket was about.

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