Chapter 5: New day, New Girl

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My eyes slowly opened. The sun hit my eyes. I looked up to see a little girl staring at me. My little sister.
'Katie? What are you doing on the floor?' She asked.
I let my eyes focus for a minute. On the floor?
I immediately sat up to find myself in the spare bedroom on the floor. My head was spinning so fast I think I might of nearly fainted.
I can't remember what happened last night and I wouldn't like to remember.
'I think today's going to be a good day!' I said.
I walked off into my room and decided that today I should stop being the mopey, romantic, good girl and become the cool, unromantic, bad girl.
I don't know what's gotton into me it's like something's taken over..but I can't help it already I'm putting purple highlights in my curly black hair.
I lined my eyeliner perfectly along the eyelids. I'm starting to feel like I'm reinventing myself...
I made my way downstairs and saw my dad hopelessly messing with a piece of technology. My mum came in and as soon as she saw me her eyes were as big as puppies when they look innocent.
'Katie what on earth...have you done to your hair...?' She asked.
'It's just purple extensions mum!' I said.
Seriously! Do mums know anything about fashion?
'Take it off! And that makeup!' She shouted.
'You can't tell me what to do! Who do you think I am? Your slave?!' I snapped.
'Katie what has gotten into you?' My mum said still sounding annoyed.
'What's gotten into me. Look in the mirror mum this is what all girls wear these days! It's like your stuck in the 1700s and can't get out!' I said.
'Look I'm not even going to have this conforsation anymore Katie!' She said walking away.
'Good you were getting boring anyway!' I sighed.
'Katie I am here you know and I can hear everything your saying to your mum!' My dad said looking at me with an angry voice.
'Do I look like I care?' I said as I saw something interesting on the cabinet.
'Ooh..fancy..' I said as I picked up one of dads precious technology designs.
'Katie put that back! Now! That's a finest digital camera and it's worth lots of money!' He said raising his voice.
'I don't see what's interesting about!' I said inspecting it.
'Katie just hand it over to me!' Dad said handing his hand out.
I dangled the camera above the floor.
'Katie...' He paused as the camera fell and smashed on the wooden floor.
'Oops my hand slipped.' I said as I grabbed my bag and strolled along the hallway to the front door.
'Katie Lord get back here right now!' My dad shouted.
He grabbed my arm firmly to stop me from getting to the front door.
'Get off me dad!' I screamed. I tugged at him and I was finally free from his grasp.
'You have no idea what you have done young lady!' He shouted.
'I'm not really bothered what I do. I'm also not really bothered if I see you cry over a tiny little box that's smashed all over the floor. What are you going to do next? Have a funeral?' I chuckled.
'Katie this isn't funny, this isn't a game, that camera was worth a lot of money. That was high piece technology. And you smashed it!' Dad shouted.
'Awe I'm so sorry for your loss! Should I make a coffin and invite all its camera friends to mourn it?' I asked.
Ok I was quite proud of that one.
'Katie have you any idea the amount of trouble your in?!' He asked.
'I'm going to be late for school if I don't escape your annoying voice that's nagging me so much about a useless box that I dropped!' I pointed out.
Besides my dad needed to be put in his place.

I walked into the school corridors like I was some sort of celebrity.
Everybody stared at me.
I walked into my science class and sat on my chair.
'Woah, Katie, Kate, Kate, what's happened to you?' Said Quinn nibbling his pen.
'For your information my name is Katie not Kate, looks like you might need to take up spelling lessons!' I proudly said.
I heard the class laugh at my remark.
'Katie Lord, can I point out that you are not going to Friday night club so I suggest you take that purple out of your hair!' Mr Fisher said.
'Oh sir can I just point out that your here to teach us science not here to join the knitting club with all the grannies!' I snapped.
The class laughed again.
'Get out of my classroom!' Mr Fisher said.
I strolled out of the classroom smirking.

At break I was getting seriously bored. I was stuck in the headmasters office.
And guess who the headmaster is? My dad. It looked like he was stuck in a meeting longer than I thought so I walked off not giving a care in the world and headed outside to where the boys were playing football...
I walked in the crowd of boys who was kicking the round object about everywhere. Then I had an idea.
I grabbed the ball from Quinn's hands and kicked it...
The ball headed for my dads office window.
Then the next thing we knew there was a massive smash.
All the boys gasped.
'See what happens when you kick the ball to hard!' I said.
I think I taught those boys a lesson.

At lunch I was sitting on my own picking stuff from my lunch box. I mean..ew...what kind of food is this?
Tom came up to me looking shocked.
'Katie can I speak to you?' He asked leaning over the table.
'If it's something interesting.' I said.
Suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled me of my seat.
'Hey!' I shouted.
He lead me to the corridor and looked at me.
'Tom, what did you do that for! My arm could of been pulled off!' I gasped.
'Katie stop being a drama queen, what has gotton into you?!' Tom asked.
'Yeah what has gotton into you Katie?' A younger voice said from behind Tom.
It was his sister Clara.
Suddenly Quinn was storming up the corridor and his face looked like a bull after someone had been tormenting it and I could of swore I heard him growl.
'Uh oh..' Clara said.
'I HAVE JUST GOT THE BLAME FOR SMASHING THAT WINDOW! ANYTHING TO ADD KATIE?!' Quinn shouted making some year 9s stare at all of us in confusion.
'Do you really think I'm interested in your dramatic life? Do you really think I'm interested that your precious football got confiscated?' I said to him.
'You Katie are driving me up the wall! What is wrong with you?' Quinn asked.
'What's wrong me? What's wrong with you lot asking me stupid questions? Well Tom its such a shame that you dragged me near a fire alarm..' I said grabbing a sharp black comb from my bag.
'I think your gunna get a bit wet!' I said as I pulled an umbrella from my bag.
'Katie don't you...' Tom paused and before he could say another a word I hit the fire alarm box. The fire alarm went off sending everyone running riot screaming for the exit. Then the water pipes burst.
I quickly pulled up my umbrella and walked casually past Tom, Quinn and Clara who were getting soaked.
I smiled to myself.
I'm not Katie Lord anymore...I'm not really sure what I am..but I know one thing for sure.
I'm evil.

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