Chapter 4: Things that go bump in the night...

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I told Tom everything about the doors opening and closing, my messy bedroom, everything.
'Yeah well it doesn't necessarily mean your house is haunted!' He said.
Well I know for a fact that Tom is wrong! How can you explain what happened to me? It's not natural.
But I decided not to tell Tom that and instead I said... 'Yeah your maybe right, I should proberley got to bed early tonight and pretend that nothing's happened!' I said.
Tom smiled.
'Good. Are you sure your gunna be alright?' Asked Tom.
'Yes, I will be fine my mum and dad will be back soon!' I said.
Maybe I'm right. It could be anything opening the doors, I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I should forget about the lights and forget about the creepy stuff have an early night and be right as rain in the morning.

I woke up with a start. I checked my phone and it said 2:45am great.
I looked round and my blood ran cold.
There was a shadow on my window sill where my blind was hiding. The shadow looked like something small almost like a doll...but my window sills are bare with only a vase with fake flowers in. So what was that?
I shifted from my bed and walked towards the blind.
My hands trembled as I was ready to pull the string down.
I took a deep breath and pulled it down..
I immediately screamed.
The doll was as creepy as it gets. A Victorian doll and I had the feeling that it was watching me...
My dad came in still half asleep but looking worried.
'Katie? What's wrong? Everything ok?' He panted.
Ok let me get this strait. My dad just asked me the most stupid question that I have ever heard. Do I look ok? I'm absolutely terrified, my hands are shaking and yes there is a hideous looking doll in my window sill. So no that answers his question.
I wish I said that but I came out with something completely different.
'Dad what is this?' I said as I turned to look at my window sill. But to my horror the doll had gone.
'What?' He said looking confused.
I checked to see if I knocked it on the floor but there was nothing there.
'Nothing..' I said fixing a fake smile on my face.

I woke up again about 15 minutes later only to the sound of clatter coming from the spare bedroom.
I made my way to the spare room and looked inside. A vase had been knocked down and all the pieces were all over the floor. Suddenly the window opened.
I went over and quickly closed it...but as I turned round loads of things started flying about everywhere! I tried to dodge them all but a picture flew and hit my head. I immediately fell on the floor swirling in a pit of darkness...
I felt myself being taken over by an unnatural force and my mind went totally blank...for a moment I felt myself lie completely still... Then my eyes flashed open and they were like a pit of darkness...not human. I felt dizzy and before I knew it I was taken over and swept into a dreamworld.

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