Chapter 7: No Hope

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At lunch I decided to look up demons on the Internet there had to be something.
I furiously typed until the door opened.
It was Clara.
I sighed and looked back at the laptop.
'Are you angry with me?' Clara asked.
'What? I thought it should be you that should be angry at me!' I replied.
'Tom told me everything.' Clara said.
She scanned my laptop.
'What are you doing?' She asked.
'Seeing what I can find on demons!' I answered.
'What makes you think it's a demon?' She asked looking confused.
'What do you call a thing that takes you over, makes you do really stupid things and looks exactly like yourself?' I asked her.
'Oh no...' Clara says worriedly.
'What? What is it?!' I questioned.
'I think I might know what it is!' Clara said.
'What? What? Tell me?!' I said.
'Your reflection!' She chuckled.
'No you don't understand I wasn't infront of a mirror...I was in the library and she was there in the corner staring at me!' I told her.
'I don't know then...' Clara said.

I came back home exhausted I managed to fix my relationship with Tom and Clara but most importantly I needed to save the one with my mum and dad.
My dad was sitting on the couch screwing things in to a broken camera.
This was my chance.
I stood at the side of the couch looking hopeful.
He took one look at me and looked away again.
I sat down next to him.
'Dad I don't like it when we fight..'
'Well you should of thought about that before you did all the things you did!' He said not looking away from the camera.
'I can't remember what happened..' I trailed off.
I wanted to cry, this was torture. One way or another I was not leaving this settee until me and dad have made up.
'Nice try Katie, I doubt that will win you the biggest lie of the year award!' He said.
'I'm not lying.'
'Right, well how about you tell me what actually happened then...or just go back to putting purple streaks in your hair and start throwing things.' He said.
'Do you want to do that?!' He questioned.
'No!' I answered back.
'Right then!' He said going back to his camera.
'Dad please! Why can't you just forgive me and forget about it?!' I cried.
'Please Katie I'm tying to fix this camera that YOU broke!' He snapped.
'Please dad just give me one last chance and I can make it up to you.' I begged.
There was silence.
'Ok..I guess that will work.' Dad said.
I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him tight.
'Now I broke the camera...I will help you fix it.' I said getting another screwdriver from the cupboard.

I was woken up at night by something touching my feet. It must be my sister who else would it be?
'Ellie can you please stop I'm trying to sleep you should go back to bed too!' I snapped quietly as I pulled my feet in.
Suddenly a strong force grabbed my foot and pulled me to the end of the bed.
I immediately sat up and looked around the room. I looked across to the landing and saw my sister asleep like she hadn't woken up for hours.
Before I looked back I heard a creaking noise coming from the wardrobe...I turned my head slowly and saw the wardrobe door half open.
Terrible thoughts were running through my head, what if the demon reflection had come back to take me over...
Suddenly there was a weird hissing noise coming from inside of the wardrobe, my heart was racing so fast I could hear it banging against my chest...
Then on the door of the wardrobe a strange looking hand appeared.
My eyes widened I knew this wasn't like my reflection this was much more creepy.
Unexpectedly the wardrobe door forcefully opened as the hissing hissed in my direction.
I started to scream the house down.
My mum and dad ran in looking worried and out of the blue my eyes welled up and I started to cry.
'What is it? Katie? Katie? Speak to me? What's wrong?' Dad asked putting his arms on my shoulders.
'There's someone in the wardrobe!' I cried.
Dad got up and walked towards the wardrobe, mum came and put her arms round me reassuring me.
Dad looked inside it shifting clothes about, I bited my nail in fear. He shut the wardrobe door.
'There's nothing in there.' Dad said to me.
'There was something there! It hissed at me!' I cried.
'Katie, I think we might need to take you to the doctors.' Dad suggested.
'I don't need to go to the doctors.' I argued.
'Your getting as worse as your grandad!' Dad said.
I couldn't believe they didn't believe me! Maybe grandad will.
'I don't care what you say it was there!' I said to my parents.
Dad rolled his eyes.
'Katie...' Dad was interrupted.
'Get out!' I snapped.
My anger was getting stronger.
'Katie I was trying to..'
'I said get out!' I shouted.
Dad walked out.
Mum put her hands on my shoulders.
I immediately backed away.
'Don't touch me!' I snapped.
I could see mums eyes welling up.
'You aswell get out!' I said to her.
She stayed in the bed staring at me.
'Didn't you here what I just said? Get out!' I screamed.
Mum ran out.
I sat on the bed paralysed, how could my parents say such a thing, I don't need to go to the doctors.
Hurt pinched my eyes.
I crawled out of my bed and creeped to my sisters room and crawled into bed next to her.
I hugged into her tightly and let myself fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning I got up early and decided to see grandad maybe he will know anything about demons.
When I got into the kitchen I knew there was an intense silence.
I ignored my mum and dad, packed my school bag and walked out, even if they attempted to talk to me I wouldn't listen.
My parents think I'm going crazy, but I'm not, I need answers, what does this thing want from me...and most do I stop it?

When I reached grandad's I was preparing myself to tell him everything that has happened these last few days and if he will believe me.
I knocked on the door quietly and stood back waiting for the door to open.
No answer.
I decided to leave it as he might be asleep and started to make my way up to school. I was quite disappointed at the fact I couldn't tell grandad what has been happening but at least he's not as bossy and strict like my parents.
He loves to play random games in the house when it's just me, him and my sister, usually war games or pirate games or dancing to music.
Last week me and my sister were left alone with grandad in the house and he wanted to play water guns. I disagreed as it will make the floors slippy but grandad managed to convince me.
So we ended up floor sliding, banister climbing, using the staircase rail as a slide, door swinging, piggy back rides and getting ourselves soaked through with water. I couldn't stop laughing the whole way through!
In the end my parents came home angry at the state of the house and dad ended up accidentally skipping on water and falling right on his back...Oops...
'Hey!' A voice broke in.
Tom perched up next to me smiling.
'Hey...' I tried to force a smile on my face.
Tom wasn't fooled easily as he could see the despair in my eyes.
He stopped.
'What's wrong?' He asked.
I turned to face him.
'I don't know.' I cried.
Tears welled up in my eyes.
'What's happening to me?' I asked.
'One minute I'm the innocent 16 year old girl who cares for everyone..and the next...I just push them all away. It's killing me inside. I can't fight it.' I said staring down at the ground.
'Katie, of course you can fight it..your one of the bravest people I know.' Tom said.
'No Tom, I keep seeing things, my parents think I'm going mad...I don't think I'm Katie anymore.' A tear escaped from my stinging eye.
'Of course your Katie, I know you can fight this! Have faith in yourself!' Tom said.
'I've tried everything..but I can't get rid of's like an itch that can't be scratched... It's probably following me right now.' I said.
'What? What is?' Tom asked.
'The thing that controlled me...I want to be brave....but I'm scared...I'm so scared...' I said.
'Look...your aloud to be scared...what happened to that that brave girl who wouldn't let anything upset her?' Said Tom.
'I don't know.' I replied.
Sirens started wailing in the background we always used to hear the sirens all the time as we live in a city but these sirens sounded close by.
'Can you hear those sirens.' Tom asked.
Before I could reply a girl ran up to us out of breath.
'Your Katie Lord. Right?' The girl asked.
'Who wants to know?' I asked.
'You need to come and see this...there's been an accident.' The girl said.
As my legs carried me towards the ambulance 1 thing was running through my head.
What has this got to do with me?
The ambulance was sitting outside the school.
I went towards it stopped by Mr fisher trying to keep me away from it.
'What's happened? Has someone got hurt?' I panicked trying to barge through the muttering panicky crowd of people. As I looked right I saw a rolled over car with a man with several injuries getting pulled out of the car.
I tried to get a glimpse of the person getting pulled into the ambulance but it was to hard to see the face.
Suddenly a police man took me by my shoulder and lead me out of the crowd.
'Are you Katie Lord?' The policeman asked.
Why does everyone keep asking for my name today?
'Yeah.' I said quietly.
'I'm afraid your mother has been taken to hospital.' The policeman said.
My heart immediately sank.
'What are you talking about..that can't of been my mum in that ambulance no way...' I trailed off.
'I'm afraid it was her. The car was spiralling out of control..and it hit her.' He said.
'Oh my god...what if she's dying?!' I panicked, infact I was panicking so much I don't think I said any words right anymore I was just mumbling random words. The policeman tried to calm me down but I wouldn't listen.
My head swelled up with sorrow and pain.
It was one thing after another.
I'm not Katie...I'm just....

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