Chapter 17: Halloween

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I sat in front of my mirror, finishing off the finishing touches to my Halloween makeup. I was going as a zombie schoolgirl and I think Quinn was going as the same as a zombie schoolboy, I wasn't sure what Tom was going as, he said its a surprise so I'm quiet excited to find out what he'd dressed up as.

I finished up the fake blood from the side of my head and smiled. Kelly had offered to do my makeup for me but I decided I would do it on my own. I was excited because I was going to a Halloween party at Jazz's house and apparently it was going to be epic. Knowing Jazz, it probably will be.

Knock knock.

"Come in!" I shouted, packing my makeup away in my draw.

The door swung open as I turned round to see who it was. There was Tom, he stood there wearing a ripped school shirt and black skinny jeans, his quiff was more spiked up than usual and his face was white with blood coming down from his head.

I stood up and folded my arms. "This is your idea of a surprise?"

"I'm a dead ghost boy." Tom told me. "Don't dis."

I chuckled. "Ok, you can guess what I am."

"Oh, I dunno...a zombie schoolgirl. And Quinn's your zombie schoolboy best friend." Tom guessed.

I smiled. "Correct."

"Heard anything from your reflection?" Tom asked. I hesitated looking down at my fumbling fingers. "N-no, not since the sleepover."

Tom stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them soothingly. "Me, gran and Moon are trying to find a way to get rid of it, we haven't dealt with these kind of things before so it could take days...maybe weeks. But just try and relax for now, ok?"

I exhaled and smiled, nodding at him. "Y-yeah, thank you."

Tom returned the smile, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I looked up at him as he cupped my cheek, leaning closer to me.

"AHEM!" Someone coughed, making Tom jump away from me.

I looked at the doorway and saw Quinn standing there, he was leaning against the wall, folding his arms. "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything, by the looks of it I just did."

"You didn't, it's fine, come in." I beckoned him in and he pushed himself off the wall and walked up to us.

"Well, my fellow zombie schoolgirl." Quinn said. "Makeups ace by the way."

"Thanks." I high fived him.

Suddenly a bleep was heard from Quinn's jean pockets. Quinn fumbled his hand about in the pocket before bringing out his phone and looking at it. "Guys, it's from Jazz. The party's started, so we better get there quick."

"Come on then!" I shouted at the two boys as I ran out the room, Tom and Quinn following shortly after.

"Guys! You made it at last! I didn't think you were gonna come." Jazz exclaimed, who was dressed up as Frankenstein.

"Like we would miss a party." Tom scoffs.

"Where's the food?" Quinn demands.

I roll my eyes at his request. Typical Quinn.

"In the kitchen, on the counter blondie." Jazz sighs.

Quinn practically dives through everyone who's dancing in the hallways and the living room to get to the food.

I sigh. "Ignore him Jazz, he's being a bit rude."

Jazz shrugs. "Don't worry about it, I suppose it's just Quinn and he's my friend so it doesn't really matter."

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