Chapter 51: Christmas Eve

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I loved Christmas, it was one of those times in the year that I actually forgot all my worries for one day and had fun with my family. It was the time of the year that Kelly would actually show up at the dining table for once and sit and eat with the family. Normally me and Kelly eat up in our rooms and hardly at the dining table but on Christmas Eve and day we sit with the family. I was really excited for Christmas this year actually, I thought after all the demon stuff and the deaths door, the bullying, the fights, the crying, screaming I thought I wasn't going to feel it this year but actually I'm in really good spirits.

I'm going round Tom's house later because he said he's got my Christmas presents and card ready for me and I have no idea what he's got me. Usually he'd leave me clues but this year he's been really quiet about it. I think the most excited person in my household at Christmas is Ellie because she's four and obviously she's excited that the fact Santa is coming to our house and he'll be delivering the presents.

Even Kelly was in the Christmas spirit and usually she gets really stressed out even though that's mostly mums job. We had to go out first because there was last minute food for mum to get. Mum was getting really stressed I could tell, she went psycho at all of us because she couldn't find her car keys.

As mum was driving through the city centre she sighed heavily, running her hand through her hair. "Sometimes I hate Christmas. I have to pick up this turkey and they had to give me such a stupid time for me to pick it up."

I rolled my eyes. "Why order it so late then?"

"Because then it's nice and fresh for tomorrow." Mum replies.

"Where the fuck is he going?" Kelly questions as she looks at a car that pulls over abruptly in front of us.

"He's probably drunk," I say. "It's Christmas Eve what do you expect?"

Suddenly When a child is Born starts playing on the radio and I groan. "I hate this song, turn it over."

"Tough, it's still a Christmas song we're having it on." Kelly tells me sharply, turning the radio up louder just to annoy me a little bit more.

"Oh my god!" I shout.

"Girls for gods sake!" Mum breaks in.

"What?" Kelly questions. "It was Katie she was being a mardy."

I glare at her. "Shut up, Kelly."

"Mummy!" Ellie alerts, kicking the back of Kelly's chair. "When can we get the carrots for Santa?"

"In a minute, sweetheart." Mum replies.

"Ellie!" Kelly snaps. "Stop kicking my chair!"

"Shut up!" Ellie snaps back.

"Ellie!" Mum hisses instantly shutting Ellie up.

"Right, girls, after we pick up this turkey and get all the starters for tomorrow we're going to see great Aunty Barbara." Mum tells us.

"Oh no." Me and Kelly say at the same time. Honestly we hated going to see our great Aunty Barbara. She was always all over us and her house was full of cats she has 15 and still counting and the house stunk of cat food and there was cat fluff everywhere. I don't mind vas and neither does Ellie but Kelly hates them simply because she got attacked by one when she was six years old. Great Aunty Barbara always went on all the time about something 'interesting' that happened at the shops but she mostly speaks a lot of shite and we all have to sit in her cat overrun house full of cat hair and fur balls just listening to her and it was so boring.

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