Chapter 47: Stupid Mistakes

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As soon as I got back home, I took the dog off her lead and sprinted upstairs. She started following me, barking like mad and I let her in my room before slamming the door shut behind me. I slowly sit down on my bed and observed my room. I glance over to all the pictures stuck on the wall above my dressing table. Mostly of me, Tom, Quinn, Benny and Jazz. They were the days I didn't feel like what I'm feeling now. I'm hurting so much and it's destroying me, painfully slowly.

I'm fed up of trying to be strong. I'm sick of trying to make people happy when deep down I'm probably just annoying them. Tom for example, I've cried god knows how many times in front of him and he must be getting sick of it. He might be planning on dumping me. What if he is? What if he's discussing it with Quinn and Jazz now? I hate feeling doubtful, useless, but I can't help it. Cleo and Jennifer has made me feel that way. My demon. Until she apparently saved me which I still can't believe. Jennifer wishes I was dead, probably half the school does.

How about I just do them a favour?

I shake my head. It was debatable. There was a sudden knock on the door and I sigh.


The door opens and my big sister comes in smiling at me and holding a bag of crisps in her hand. She walks over to me and chucks the bag of crisps right at me so they nearly hit my face. Thanks Kelly.

"Thought I'd feed you up." She says, sliding down next to me on the bed.

I stare at the packet of crisps in front of me and pick them up. My stomach churned, I haven't eaten anything since the trip. My stomach was probably screaming at me but why would I listen?

I toss the crisps back at Kelly and look away from her; staring at the wall.

"Why aren't you eating anything?" She asks me.

I slowly shake my head. "I'm not hungry."

"Look, I know this bullying stuff has got really bad, but not eating is just going to make you worse, you're skinny as it is, don't make it worse for yourself, because trust me if you don't eat you'll get skinnier and skinner until you'll literally look like..." She trails off and looks round my room until she spots something on my dressing table. She picks it up and shoves a pencil in front of my face. "This!"

I roll my eyes and look away from her again. "I don't care, everyone wants me to die, I'm just a bully to everyone."

"But they've got it wrong! It's not you that's the bully, they are!" My sister protests.

"Don't you think I know that?!" I snap, looking back at her.

She looks quite taken aback and I was expecting her to leave. But she didn't.

"Anyway, shouldn't you be at college?" I ask her.

"I only go college 3 days a week, remember." Kelly points out.

I glance at her as tears fill my eyes. "I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore."

Kelly narrows her eyes. "Why'd you say that?"

"Tom...he told mum about everything that's happened on Facebook and I didn't want her to know." I say.

"He was doing it for your own good, he cares for you and he was only trying to help you." Kelly explains.

"No! He wasn't! I feel betrayed. I fucking trusted him, in fact he was the only person I could fully trust and he went and told my mum everything. Now she's going to go to the school and everyone's going to find out and bully me even more!" I scream.

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