Chapter 6: The damage has been done..

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I walked into my dads office like I was some sort of super model then I saw Tom, Clara and Quinn soaking wet. They of course did not look happy.
I think my dad had to be the most angriest in the room he was clutching his pen so hard I think I could see ink run on the table, his face might just about win the most angriest face of the year awards and he looked directly at me with a death stare.
'Why am I here?' I questioned.
'You know why young lady!' Said my dad sternly.
'Look it was an accident it wasn't my fault the brush poked the fire alarm!' I snapped.
'Oh we all know it wasn't an accident! The way you've handled yourself today Katie is absolutely appalling!' He shouted.
'No need to be rude dad god!' I sighed.
'Right well I've had several incidents today! The PE teacher complained that you refused to do PE and you were wearing high heels! Not forgetting insulting the teachers, smashing tubes in the science lab...Do I need to go on?!' He bellowed.
'No thank you or we'll be here till next Christmas singing jingle bells!' I pointed out.
'You think your so clever Katie! You know what get out! NOW!' My dad shouted so the birds outside could hear.
I walked out rolling my eyes.
I made my way to the library sighing.
Suddenly my head went dizzy I felt the whole world spinning around me. What was happening?
I white flash beamed and I felt myself being back to normal...

I was coughing violently having no idea what was going on.
I looked around the library confused.
'Katie..' A voice whispered.
I swung round and saw to my was like looking directly into a mirror...
'Well I hoped you like the few games I played today! Poor Katie. Going to be all alone without anyone.' My reflection droned.
'What do you mean? What are you?' I screamed at it.
I knew it wasn't me. It was like an evil reflection of me? Maybe a demon...
Suddenly the door swung open and there was Tom looking seriously angry.
'Katie what are you playing at?!' He shouted.
I looked at him shocked.
'What?' I asked.
'I don't know what's gotton into you! What is wrong with you? Trying to catch attention?' He asked.
'What no...'
'Or maybe just trying to be naturally bad just to annoy everyone.' He said.
'Look Tom you don't understand!' I said upset.
'I do understand, you've upset me, Quinn, Clara, your dad, the teachers...shall I go on?' He said.
I looked at the floor tears pinching my eyes.
'If you just have to listen to what I say!' I cried.
'Katie I don't need to listen! If your gunna stay the bad influenced girl then I'm not stopping you! But you will lose will lose me..' He said.
Then within a second he stomps out the room.
A tear dropped down but I quickly swept it away.
What's happened had this reflection took control of me and driven everyone away? I looked at the bottom of my hair and saw the purple highlights.
What have I done to myself?
What has this thing done to me?

I walked into school the next day back to normal. I saw Clara.
'Hey Clara!' I said sweetly.
She looked at me with a dirty look and shoved past me.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the school and saw Tom.
I knew I couldn't possibly talk to him after what he said yesterday. I think I might of needed therapy to get over that, Toms never said anything like that to me before.
I decided to give it a shot.
'Tom..' I started.
He looked at me. 'What?' He asked angrily.
'Are we still ok?' I asked stupidly.
'Yeah BFFs forever!' He said sarcastically.
And with that he slammed his locker door shut and stormed into science class.
I felt a tight knot in my stomach. I've blown it. I'm so stupid and I blame that thing in the library. I bet it had great fun making me look like a total diva and make me lose everyone care about. Well it did well, everyone hates me.
I walked into the science room and pretended that nothing was wrong.
I felt something hit my back.
'Bet she's feeling stupid now!' A voice shouted.
I knew it was Quinn.
I kept my strength and walked over to my desk and sat down.
A supply teacher walked in.
I wish it was Mr Fisher walking in so I could talk to him, but it's not. Quinn got his phone out and started playing a game. The supply teacher got sheets out on the desk.
'Right everybody take one of these sheets and answer thse questions.' He droned. I got up took a deep breath and walked over to the teacher's desk. I suddenly felt something like a rubber hit my head. I swooped round and saw Quinn grinning. I looked next to him and saw Tom, he looked at me with anger but at the same time I could see sorrow in his eyes as he looked at Quinn feeling proud of himself. I wished the ground would just swallow me up and take me to a world far away from this one.
I got a sheet and walked back to my desk hanging my head low. I sat down and tried to work. But I couldn't concentrate.
'Right so are you going to be a good girl now? Or are you going to be a bad trouble maker?' Quinn said staring at me with cold eyes.
I tried not to look at him as I was trying to hide the tears.
'Are you to shy to say anything or are you going to come out and attack me. Oh can't because your sad, pointless, lost girl who doesn't know what she wants!' He snapped.
I felt a hole in my stomach like there was nothing there...just a pit of nothingness.
I couldn't bear to suffer like this.
I stormed out the classroom on the brink of crying and headed my way outside.

I couldn't stop the constant over flowing tears even my tissue couldn't stop them. I have now been crying for at least 5 minutes and I was starting to get a headache. I don't even care anymore if they hate me so much they can just tear me up now.
See if I care.
I hung my head low and buried my face in my tissue.
I suddenly heard light approaching footsteps but I ignored it and continued to wipe my tears away.
'Katie?' A low voice said.
My stomach flipped over. It couldn't be...
I slowly looked up to see Tom standing in front of me.
I sighed and looked down at the ground.
He sat down next to me.
I couldn't help constantly sniffing.
'Look..I don't like the way Quinn is treating you..' He said softly.
I rolled my eyes brushing my eyes.
'It wasn't me Tom!' I cried.
'I don't get what mean Katie..' He said looking confused.
'It's hard to explain but when I was in the library I saw something was a bad reflection like a kind of..demon!' I explained.
Tom looked awkward.
'Even if it handled yourself badly yesterday..' He said looking at the ground.
I shut my eyes for a moment and opened the again.
'I don't even remember what happened Tom my dad locked me in my room and he and mum wouldn't speak to me this morning...' I trailed off.
'Well you did upset them Katie!' Tom said narrowing his eyes.
I stood up looking horrified.
'Right so your siding with everyone else now are you? Because if you are..' I was interrupted before I could say anything else.
'Katie I'm not siding with anyone I'm just telling you..' He said calmly walking towards me.
'Telling me what? Reminding me of what happened? Just forget it everyone hates me!' I said turning away.
Tom suddenly grabbed my arm and I slowly turned back round to face him.
'Katie they don't hate you.' Tom said.
'Yes they do..' I cried.
I know for a fact that they hate me for whatever I did and if it was something really bad I don't blame them but I don't get why Tom is suddenly being nice to me.
'There just upset Katie they will get over it I have.' He smiled.
I felt a rush of relief run through my blood.
I smiled back at him and hugged him.
I might be saved after all...

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