Chapter 8: Faith

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It felt like I was sitting in this chair for got uncomfortable.
Tom was sat next to me fidgeting in his seat, we weren't talking at all now we were just waiting.
Tom looked at me and saw my sad expression staring down at the floor.
He grabbed my hand delicately and held it, I smiled at him and looked back at the plain clock ticking on the plain white wall. The doctor said he wouldn't be long...and yet we've waited 55 minutes for some news.
'Your mum will be ok.' Tom reassured.
'I know your just saying that to make me feel better.' I said letting go of his hand, my throat clogging up and tears pinching my eyes.
We were both looking at the floor now a slight awkwardness creeping between us.
Suddenly a nurse came up to us, my heart started thumping.
'Katie Lord?' The nurse asked.
I nodded as I couldn't talk by the massive lump in my throat.
The nurse took his glasses off.
'I'm afraid your mother is struggling to breathe she's been put on machines to help her get oxygen in her body.' He explained.
This was it.
It has to be the demon.
A tear gently rolled down my cheek.
'Can I take a few minutes outside please?' I asked.
The nurse nodded and I made my way outside to one of the benches and buried my face in my hands.
I could sense someone approach me.
I moved my hair away from my face to see Tom sitting down next to me. I hung my head low so he couldn't see that I've been crying.
'Katie it's ok to cry...' He said.
'Tom what if she dies?! What if that machine can't hold onto her and she stops breathing!' I snapped.
He looked hurt.
'I'm sorry.' I cried.
'It's ok, I'll leave you alone for a bit.' Tom said standing up.
I immediately grabbed his arm.
'No...stay...please.' I pleaded.
He smiled and sat down next to me.
I stared at him, his eyes were glistening at the reflection of the sun.
He taught me that faith is real and I should believe in it and believe in other people he learned that a while ago.

A while later I looked around to see the clock saying 12 at midnight. Turned out that me and Tom had fallen asleep on one of the waiting chairs. I lifted my head of his shoulder (where I'd been sleeping on) and lightly shook him to wake him.
Honestly his dad and gran will be thinking he got kidnapped by now!
'Tom.' I whispered.
'Mmm' he groaned.
'It's gone 12.' I whispered.
He slowly opened his eyes and shuffled sidewards so he was facing me.
'How long have we been asleep for?' He asked rubbing his eyes.
'Don't know.' I replied clueless.
'It's ok, I called dad and gran and told them that I'm staying at the hospital with you.' Tom explained.
'You don't have to stay you know, you can always go home.' I said.
'I don't want to, I'm staying with you, your not going through this on your own.' Tom said.
I smiled at him.
'You need rest.' Tom chuckled.
I looked at the door I could imagine my mum lying in that room with machines bleeping, monitoring her heartbeat.
My smile faded.
'She'll be ok. I promise.' Tom reassured putting his arm round me.
'You can't promise that.' I pointed out.
'Your right, but remember always have faith, just keep telling yourself that she'll be ok and she will.' Tom said.
'When did you become so wise?' I chuckled.
'I dunno, secret talent I suppose. And just to show how much I care about you.' He said sweetly.
I couldn't help but be happy at his words...he cares about me and that's all that matters.

The next morning I woke up lying on Toms shoulder again, his arm was still around me from last night but now he was holding my hand.
Suddenly my phone started vibrating violently in my pocket, I took it out of my pocket and looked through all 16 messages off my dad.
Oh my god I forgot to ring him saying that I was staying at the hospital.
I furiously texted him back.
"Katie coming hospital with your sister. Xxx" dad texted.
I decided to get up and get a drink as I hadn't eaten or drank anything all yesterday.
The cold water hit me like an ice berg it was so cold but refreshing, I gulped down every last drop.
'Hey!' Someone shouted, I immediately turned on my heel to see Tom walking towards me.
'I thought you'd gone.' He said grabbing a cup and filling it with water.
'Like I would go.' I said.
'Oh well that's true.' He said taking a sip of his water.
'Tom you really don't have to stay you know.' I said
He put his drink down.
'Katie, I told you...I'm not going anywhere..' He said softly taking both of my hands and staring into my eyes.
I stared back into his, his eyes were just impeccable, golden brown that twinkled and shone in the sunlight.
'Guess you two haven't completely lost the romantic spark!' Someone chuckled.
Me and Tom broke apart surprised.
My heart nearly skipped a beat.
Quinn and Clara were standing there.
Did this mean Quinn had forgiven me?
'Quinn...Clara..we didn't notice you.' Tom said awkwardly trying to fix a smile on his face.
'Literally just came in...sorry were we interrupting something?' Quinn asked.
'Err no...!' I replied.
'Because you two seemed pretty close when we got here.' Quinn chuckled making Clara smile.
'It's fine you can stay.' I told them.
'I told Quinn everything, Quinn isn't there something you should say to Katie!' Clara said giving him a look making him step forward.
He cleared his throat.
'Look, erm...I've been quite mean to you lately...I know it wasn't your fault...I'm sorry.' Quinn said.
'It's ok, I forgive you!' I said smiling.
Suddenly a nurse came up to us all I held my breath praying.
'Katie Lord I've got good news...' The nurse said smiling.
My face immediately brightened up.
'Your mum has started breathing on her own and has just got a broken leg and dislocated shoulder.' The nurse said.
I was made up.
I looked at Tom and he smiled at me knowing that my faith worked after all.

Later on that day my dad came with my little sister.
I ran up to dad.
'Dad I am so sorry I didn't text you, you must of got so worried and.....'
'Katie it's fine stop panicking.' My dad interrupted.
'When can we see mummy?' My sister asked expecting me and dad to give her an answer.
I looked at dad.
'Let's not worry about that now sweetheart. Ok?' Dad said.
My sister nodded.
I sighed.
'She's going to be ok dad, the nurse said.' I stopped breathing in trying to stop my happy tears, I didn't want to cry in front of him and my sister.
Dad pulled me in his arms.
'I knew she was going to be ok Katie, right from the start.' He whispered.
'Was someone here with you?' Dad asked.
'Yeah, Tom.' I replied.
'Ah, the famous Tom Clarke, I don't have a clue how you two item.' Dad sighed.
'Dad! He cares for me that's all! At least he came to support me when you weren't there!' I snapped.
'What are you talking about Katie?' Dad said clueless.
'You don't what I'm talking about?! Ok. Well you weren't here when I needed you most!' I yelled.
I honestly didn't care if anyone was looking or if anyone was telling us to be quiet because I was fuming at the fact that dad was never there when I needed him the most, at least Tom was there to make me smile, make me happy, he held my hand and reassured was elsewhere!
'I had work Katie, serious work...I tried to get to the hospital as soon as I could but there was no time!' He explained.
'What? So your telling me that work is more important than your family?!' I shouted absolutely shocked.
'No Katie!' He argued.
'Yes you are! You basically admitted it! You know what....forget it...your a total waste of space dad...' I yelled before stomping off away from the hospital.
I had to get away from there, away from my dad. A loud rumble was heard in the cloudy sky and a flash of lightning clashed, I was walking slightly faster but I wasn't bothered about the thunderstorm, my thoughts rushed into my mind. My mum was getting better but she's still in hospital..and I almost feel like it's my fault she is..and she's still in a lot of pain I bet..because of me, I've just had a massive row with my dad I've probably pushed him out of my life forever. I'm not myself anymore, I'm so confused, maybe it's not the demon, maybe my mum and dad are right...I need to go to the doctors. I pushed the thought away, I'm not crazy, all of it is real...but I've caused it all. The demon had controlled me but I felt it was me that chose to do those awful things to everyone, to push everyone I love away from my life...
Flashbacks flooded back in my mind, how I upset Tom, Quinn, Clara, how my mum got rushed to hospital, screaming at my dad.
I made my way back to my house and knelt against the wall.
'Your all alone now Katie, no one loves you anymore...' A voice echoed in my head.
'Shut up! Get out of my head!' I screamed.
Another clash of thunder rumbled in the dark sky as rain started to pour down heavily, I shrank down the wall and broke down in tears.
I tried to remember the good stuff, how Tom forgave me and stayed at the hospital with me, how Quinn and Clara forgave me too.
But nothing worked as more negative thoughts flooded in my mind.
I brung my knees up to my chest and continued to let the tears pour down with the rain...

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