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4 hours after discovery of Rin

Rin slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was in a white room. Looking around, she remembered what happened. A lone tear came out from her eyes. Rubbing it, Rin loooked around to see a nurse attending to her.

The nurse started by saying "Ah Rin. You are awake. I am going to call Raikage Sama. If there is anything you want, you may call me."

Rin could only nod. Soon the raikage came in the room wearing his hat. He was accompanied by his brother, Killer Bee.

"Rin, you are awake. Now tell me what really happened."

She narrated the whole story without leaving anything. After she was done, she started crying again.

"Now now, don't cry. It will be alright. At least you are alive and that's the most important thing." Ay said.

A sigh came out from her mouth after Ay left allong with the nurse.

In the meantime, a man came to the door and weaved handsigns for Silence seal. Immediately the room was completely silent from the outside. He also weaved handsigns, quickly and swiftly entered the door and slammed his hand on the door. It was a barricade seal designed to keep the door at bay.

Rin woke up startingly and saw the man in black cloak with red clouds. He also wore a hoodie and a mask.

"YOU?! YOU CAME AFTER ALL THAT YOU HAVE DONE." Rin shouted angrily. She tried to move but found that her hand was wrapped by two foxes.

"How did they get here?" She wondered.

"Ah Rin san, you know your suicide has changed the whole history of the Shinobi." Naruto said.

Rin only gritted her teeth and shouted angrily "You killed Naruto who was a student of Kakashi kun. Now you killed Akane, the only child was the closest to me. Obito was the only lucky one to not lose someone precious to him. If I manage to break myself free, I will tear you into unrecognisable pieces. I will gouge your eyes out and break your skin using my surgical instruments."

"Ah Rin! You know you cannot kill me since I will only die when I have the will to do so. And also Sasuke or Kakashi would be very disappointed in you because they have promised themselves that they will kill me.

"And as for Obito, he has already lost his parents. But most importantly, he thought that he lost you when he saw Kakashi's chodori in your heart........"

"Wait a minute. You are missing something. Obito is dead. He was crushed by the rocks." Rin screamed angrily.

"If I tell you that Obito is still alive, would you believe me." Naruto smirked under the mask.

"So. What you mean is that Obito kun as in Obito Uchiha is still alive." Rin said with hope in her eyes. Her struggle slowly for breaking away from the grip of fox became less.

"Yes Rin, he is alive." Naruto said


"The dead one has not died at all. Instead he has risen. The burnt one has not burnt at all. Instead he has risen from the ashes." Tsunade announced.

"What does he mean?" Sakura asked. "It doesn't make any sense.

"Maybe, Naruto is trying to say that silent blonde is supposed to be dead but he is alive. Not to mention that one of the survivors of his attacks said to us that he is known for fulfilling the last wishes of his victims before killing them. For eg : The last wish of the only survivor of Silent blonde was to complete the mission. Presuming that he was dead, Silent blonde completed it as he wished. But in reality, he survived as the sword missed his heart and nerves by an inch." Sasuke deduced after thinking for sometime.

"Well, excellent deduction but I don't see how your deduction is going to help us." Tsunade said after thinking for sometime.

"Well, I was just about to get to that part. Maybe Naruto had three wishes. They are as follows.
1. A view of Silent Blonde's face.
2. Last writing on the cave.
3. To ask Silent blonde to die in the hands of Kakashi sensei or mine."

"And how did you deduce such things?" This time Sakura asked.

"Let's imagine that I am about to die in the hands of a masked man. Then my last wish to him will be to see his face as he would be the last person I will see. And also how would Naruto write the clue on the cave without knowing his killer's face."

"Interesting deduction. Can you please explain the other points of yours?"

"Well, I was getting to that already. The second one is the most obvious one. Since Naruto wrote the last words on the cave. And for the handwriting I have confirmed that it was his after we got here. He might have used his own blood to write them. Speaking of blood I would like to ask Lady Tsunade to match the dna of the blood samples with one Uzumaki Naruto." Sasuke said with Tsunade nodding.

He then took a deep breath and continued "And the third one is the most chilling part. Just after rescuing me from going to Orochimaru and showing me the right path, he made me promise that I will take revenge if anyone kills him without taking the dark path."

Sasuke immediately went silent. The whole room tried to process what he just said. There eyes widened and Jiraiya said "And you didn't say that thing to me. Why?"

"Because it later slipped out of my mind that I had to inform you. So sorry Ero-Sanin. Anyways as I was saying this can be a clue because it cannot be a coincidence since Naruto didn't say that in jest. And for proving of this point, we have to use common sense." He stopped to catch his breath.

Continuing he said "Tell me why Silent Blonde said that he would die in my or Sensei's hands? This is where our dearest sunshine comes again. One of his last wish might have been to die with our hands."

This time Jiraiya jumped in "So putting these points will result in this possible scenario:
As Naruto lost the battle against SB (Silent Blonde), he was bleeding profusely. SB took pity on him and decided to fulfill 3 last wishes. His first wish might have been to see the face of his opponent. When he saw his face, he might have been shocked since he recognised him for some reason. So, his last wish was write a clue on the cave. Even he was bleeding he had enough strength to write in his own handwriting just like I taught him. For his third wish he wanted SB to die in both of your hands.
Its an interesting theory."

"Yes, you are right actually. Let's hope that we are correct."

A/N: The story is taking a very turns. Isn't it? I had to think only one question in order to come out with the before mentioned points. I imagined Myself in place of one of Silent Blonde's Vicitms. And I had to misdirect Sasuke and others. Anyways thank you for reading.

Signing off

Shay P.C

And peace out.

Crystal In the Darkness (Sequel To The Crystal In The Light)Where stories live. Discover now