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Shino: Regarding the previous chapter and as per @Natesword 's request, Shay san has added a photo to illustrate the EMS of Sasuke in the future. 

Tenten: This photo does not belong to Shay san. He got it from Google. If the artist would like to put any acknowledgements to it, Shay san will add the acknowledgement.

Shino: Anyways, with that being said, let us begin the chapter. 

"Kakashi! Is that you?" The man also known as the White Fang asked.

Kakashi just froze. He found himself unable to move. With great effort, he controlled himself from falling down on the ground. 

"Tou-san?" The words came out from Kakashi's mouth automatically. 

"What's going on? What year is this? Why am I in Kumogakure?" Sakumo asked frantically. 

Kakashi just stayed silent before deciding to  speak out. 

"You are being reanimated by someone whom we cannot identify yet. The year is 4th year of Godaime Hokage. You are sent to fight against us in Kumogakure." Kakashi said as he held back his tears.

The next moment Sakumo rushed towards Kakashi without his will, with a sword which he found lying on the ground and attempted to cut the younger Hatake's neck.

A clang was heard as Kakashi quickly blocked the strike by using a kunai which he spun out of his pouch. 

"Tou san?" Kakashi said as his vision quickly readjusted just in time before Sakumo could deliver a deadly blow and quickly jumping away just in time. 

"Kakashi. You are the only one who can stop me. So snap out of it." Sakumo shouted as he felt himself weaving handsigns. 

{Earth style: Great Mud Waves}

The ground underneath the soles of the shinobis started to transform into waves which caused a lots of confusion among the shinobis, who were thrown into the air and the nins who were not quick enough to react fell on the ground to their deaths. Only the Susanoos remained standing as if nothing happened at all! 

As Kakashi found himsef lunged into the air, he quickly weaved handsigns after opening his headband.

{Water Style: Ground water seeping jutsu}

The water present under the ground started to come out of the ground, which stopped shaking when a Kumo Ninja with Earth Natured chakra quickly used a jutsu to neutralize Sakumo's jutsu, and started concentrating in the area to form a small but deep enough for Kakashi to dive into the water safely. The mismatched eyed Jonin fell into the water just as he planned and swam out of it. 

Once out of the water, he saw the two Susanoos still fighting. He sat down on the ground, catching his breath when he felt the chakra signature of Sakumo behind him. 

"Kakashi. That was impressive." Sakumo applauded. 

"Father." Sakumo looked at his son keenly. "My name is Kakashi Hatake, Jonin of Konohagakure No Sato and I will not rest until I free your soul." Kakashi said with anger and determination filled in his voice. 

This made Sakumo smile as he found himself walking towards his son. The pace soon increased as the walks turned into a run as he held his sword pointing the top most blade towards Kakashi. 

A spurt of blood could be seen flying in the air as the time seemed to slow down. 

Kakashi did not even flinch when he felt the blade cutting through his palm. He quickly took out a kunai from his pouch by spinning it and threw it to Sakumo, who quickly dodged and blinked. 

When the elder Hatake opened his eyes, they widened in shock. In front of him, where Kakashi stood was a kunai rushing towards him. Sakumo dodged the kunai in the nick of time. 

But, when he successfully dodged the kunai, Sakumo felt a presence behind him. It was Kakashi whose Sharingan was glowing red and he was determined to remove the jutsu from his father. 

"Kakashi?" Sakumo could only say as he flew in the air, an after effect of being punched right in the face with the fist filled with chakra. He crashed into the ground. 

"Tou san. I have a question. Who is my mother?" Kakashi asked as he appeared before Sakumo and restrained him with the use of an earth jutsu. 

Immediately, a sad smile appeared on the lips of Sakumo, whose face was the only thing exposed in the air, with his rest of the body under the ground. 


"Are you Sakumo Hatake?" A nurse asked as the silver haired Jonin walked into the hospital, with his long hair fluttering in the wind. 

The Hatake turned around and nodded. 

"Well, your wife is no more as she died due to childbirth. But your son was lucky to survive the ordeal." The nurse said sadly. 

Sakumo just remained smiling, which was usual for a jonin as they had the ability to control their emotion for a period of time and the nurse knew that. So she was not shocked at all. 

"Well, if you want to see your child, please go to room no 24." The nurse said as she went away. 

Sakumo started walking into the long empty corridors of the room. It was nighttime then. So the hospital was filled with the snores of the patients as they slept peacefully. 

His pace was slow as the tears came out of his eyes as he walked along the empty corridors of the room. Small echoes of the tears falling on the ground resounded the room as he saw that he was near the room no 24. The place where a life faded away and another life came into being. 

He took one look at his wife, to whom he walked and held her hands and cried softly before his eyes fell on the little boy who was sleeping in the cradle. 

The Hatake with long hair walked to the cradle and held the child and walked out of the room. He sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall. 

"Hey Kakashi! Yeah! That's the name I decided for you. Do you like it?" Sakumo spoke as the child in his arms stirred. 

"Hmm, ah yes! You cannot talk. Anyways, Kakashi. Your mom's dead. She could not make it during the process. I cannot promise you that you will get your mother back but I promise you that I will try to be the greatest father in Konoha." Sakumo said as he held his child more firmly as he began crying.

"Aww! Hush boy! Don't cry." Sakumo pleaded as he cradled the child in a vain attempt to calm him down. 

By now, tears were coming out from the elder Hatake's eyes as he realized that his wife won't be able to be with him to see Kakashi growing up. 

Flashback end

"Ayaka" Kakashi titllted his head in confusion. "Ayaka Ueno Hatake. That was your mother's name."

The heart of Kakashi, who was also known as Reiketsu Kakashi (Cold blooded Kakashi) warmed up upon knowing his mother name, which he wanted know for many years. 

"I am sorry that I didn't tell you her name. I didn't know what would be your..." Sakumo stopped talking as he noticed a smile on Kakashi's face. 

"If you didn't know what would have been my reaction, then you clearly see it right now. Thank you dad, for answering the question which I longed to know for years." Kakashi said as he got ready to remove Sakumo's soul from the {edo tenseid?} body.

[Earth Style: Body crusher Jutsu]

The next moment, the earth surrouding Sakumo came closer to each other until they crushed Sakumo's body and the Eldest Hatake was no more. 

"I-I-I did it!" Kakashi stuttered weakly before falling on the ground, unconscious. 

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