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"Naruto and Tobi, here is your next mission." Pein's voice rang through the already mentioned shinobi's minds. "Your next mission is to capture Nezuko the paper kekkei genkai user. She currently resides in Takiagakure. Be careful, Naruto and Tobi because the nanabi jinchchuriki also resides there."

The voice which rang through their mind became silent.

"So, should we go and capture Nezuko or deal with Nanabi Jinchchuriki first?" Obito asked as we walked in the empty training ground to the north for Takiakagure.

"Maybe we should deal with Fuu first. " Naruto said with Obito looking at him confused.

"Who is Fuu?"

"She is the Jinchchuriki of Nanabi. According to my spying foxes, she has green hair and orange eyes. She usually wears white clothes. She lives in a tree house. Her age is 15. That is she is two years younger than me. We should be wary of her biju's ability to manipulate kinetic energy which makes it a deadly foe to all of us. It is said that one strike from one of its tails can destroy a whole village. Not to mention that just like Kurama, it can use biju bomb which can destroy everything in its way. Due to this fact, we have to remove her for sometime." Naruto said with Obito looking at him suspiciously.

''Its great and everything to know about Nanabi but how the hell did you get so much info about it?" Obito said.

"Well, for the identification of Fuu and other jinchchurikis, I used my fox which forms a spy chain even larger than Jiraya's chain of spies. As for the Nanabi itself, I learnt about its powers from Kurama himself. Is there any other questions that I need to abswer?" Naruto asked with Obito looking at him with his mouth wide open.

"No. No questions." Obito said with Naruto smirking under his mask.

"Very well. Let's make a plan to distract the nanabi jinchchuriki from our target. Obito, since you have the sharingan which can be used to manipulate the Bijus just like you did with Kurama during the fated night, you will have to deal with Fuu. You just have to knock her out long enough for us to capture Nezuko."
Naruto said with Obito nodding. It was no longer a surprise to the ravenette that Naruto has the brains.

With that Obito disappeared in a spiral to fight against Fuu.

With Fuu.

Fuu was a girl with green hair and orange eyes. She appears to be bored very quickly and was also a loudmouth and a reckless girl. She was always willing to make friends with others very quickly. She was also fearless.

Right now she was on her tree house, which was made by Shibuki, the leader of Takiakagure, and was enjoying the weather of Takiakagure when she saw a spiral. Obito/Tobi appeared from the spiral.

Fuu immediately went to Tobi cautiously and said "How can I help you? Can I be your friend?" with her puppy eyes which almost made Obito forget about the mission.

"Sorry Fuu senpai. Blonde senpai has ordered me to knock you out." Tobi said as a sharigan appeared on his eye and started spinning in its full glory.

Before she knew what was happening, she was captivated by the genjutsu which made her sleepy and was knocked out.

"Well, I was looking for a fight. Guess what, I might not get to do so." Tobi mumbled to himself as he disappeared into a spiral after muttering "Kamui!"

With Naruto

Naruto was waiting for Tobi until a spiral was seen by him and Tobi cane out from it.

"So, now what?" Obito asked as he lifted his mask partially.

"Now we have to lead Nezuko to the river located just outside of Taki." Naruto said as a cute white fox came out from his sleeves of his clothes.

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