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Land of Iron

The Land of Iron. A place located in an icy, snow-covered country located among three mountains, called the Three Wolves. The place where the Kage summit takes place as it prefers to be neutral in other villages internal matters. 

The Konoha entourage arrived first since Fire Country literally shared borders with Land of iron. They were soon followed by the Iwa, Kumo, Ame, Suna and Kiri entourage respectively. 

When the Ame Entourage arrived in Land of Iron, Kakashi immediately recognised Yukimaru. 

"Hey. I know you. Your name is Yukimaru. Why are you wearing Amegakure headband?" Kakashi asked. 

"That's because, I am an Ame Ninja now. And Isobu likes the wet places." 


"Oh I mean the three tails. I managed to befriend him." 

"Do you resent Silent Blonde?' Kakashi suddenly asked surprising Yukimaru. 

Yukimaru first stole a glance on Nagato who shook his face and turned to Kakashi. 

"No Kakashi san. Its true that I first hated Silent Blonde. But then, I asked myself a question 'What would I get from killing him?' The answer is nothing. So I believed that it was better to move on." Yukimaru said as he smiled. 

"Hmm. Thank you for your information." 

With Nagato

A tear ran down from Nagato and Konan's eyes, when they saw the smiling Perverted Sanin. 

"Jiraiya sensei. I don't what I must do to earn for your forgiveness." Nagato said as he rushed to the Ero Senin who opened his arms wide to hug the two Ame orphans. 

"You don't have to ask for forgiveness. I remember that I taught to move on." Jiraiya said as he continued to hug them. 

"Sensei..... Yahiko.." Konan said in a sad voice.

"Hush now! My dear students. I am sorry that I was unable to protect you. I cannot help but feel helpless about it. Do you remember what I taught you about pain and moving on?" Jiraiya said as he hugged his students harder. 

"Sensei.... can't breathe....." Nagato said ass he felt Jiraiya's grip getting harder and harder.

Jiraiya quickly released them without realising that he was carrying them off the ground, making the Ex-Akatsuki member fall down on the ground, much to the amusement of Konoha and Ame shinobis. 

"OW! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT WE BROKE OUR BONES." Nagato and Konan shouted in sync. 

"Well, you should have at least warned me not to do so." Jiraiya said as he folded his arms, his face clearly showing irritattion. 

With Rin

The Kumogakure kunoichi was quite nervous. She was not supposed to meet Kakashi and Obito as per the letters she received from Naruto.  

But she was instructed to come as she was the best Kunoichi in Kumokagure. In order to hide her identity, she used her alias for official purposes and became an Anbu so that she could legally wear a mask. 

"Neko." She heard someone calling her alias. It was the Raikage.

"Hai Raikage sama." 

"Since you are an anbu and Anbus' presence are not allowed to prevent any unnecessary conflicts, I want you to take position in the defences against any Akatsuki intervention with other Anbus." 

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