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Shino: So Welcome to the 34th installment of Crystal in the darkness.

Tenten: In this chapter, Shay san would like to write the actual ideals of Naruto. This is done so that the Kawai readers can know more about Silent Blonde aka Naruto.

Shino: Without any further ado, lets begin the chapter.

As the two members of Akatsuki walked from the Wind country to The Leaf Village, they decided to rest in Takigakure.

As the name suggests, the village was sorrounded by the waterfalls.

As Naruto walked on the water, he was mesmerized by the beautiful scenery. He was sure that Itachi was also mesmerized by the scenery.

They noticed that the trees were surrounded by the water which were still.

The two brothers of bond but blood walked across the gates bypassing the guards who allowed them to enter since they didn't know about the Akatsuki.

It was true that Itachi was very impressed by the scenery but he was thinking of something else at the same time.

"Naruto." Itachi called out after making sure that no-one was around them. The mentioned guardian of the fox stopped and looked around.

"What is your dream exactly? You have never told me about it." The blackette said without any emotions.

Naruto just stayed silent and turned around to walk into the Takigakure.

Itachi knew a lot of things about Naruto. That was the reason why he wanted to team up with him instead of Kisame. It was true that Kisame took great care of Itachi as a friend but he preferred Naruto because he was silent and wise just like him. But it was not possible since Pain had already teamed him up with Kisame Hoshigaki. So he kept silent and followed him knowing that he would rather answer it through his actions instead of words.

Naruto kept on walking and Itachi followed without any words.

After sometime, the Clan Killer noticed that they were following a mint haired girl for a quite longer time. But he stayed silent.

He was quick to notice the glares given to the girl no older than 16 year old, two years younger than his teammate.

The girl was feeling quite insecure due to the glares she felt upon her, as Itachi noted. She would very often looked behind her as if she sensed someone following her.

The Uchiha felt a little nostalgic as he remembered meeting with Naruto for first time when he was in the anbu. He remembered that when he asked the 7 year old blonde about his dream, he immediately perked up and declared that he would be the hokage.

"I am going to be the greatest Hokage the Leaf has ever seen." The Uchiha remembered about that small incident.

He couldn't help but compare the man he was following and the boy he met  in the anbu. He could list a several differences of Naruto between the two different timelines.

Shaking his head mentally to get out of the memory lane, he focused on Naruto who was walking without waiting for Itachi to snap out of his memory lane.

Suddenly, Naruto jumped on the roof and Itachi had to do the same.

"What happened? Why are we running now?" The Uchiha enquired with the Blonde pointing towards a direction. Itachi followed the finger and saw that the mint haired girl was now running away from some chunins.

The Uchiha became angry with the Chunins but hid his anger. He was angry not only because of the poor management of the Jinchchuriki by the village but also because he was reminded of the similar incident which occurred with Naruto while Itachi was on duty.

Crystal In the Darkness (Sequel To The Crystal In The Light)Where stories live. Discover now