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A/N: The picture does not belong to me.


Hokage's Office
6:00 pm

"I HATE PAPERWORKS." Sasuke shouted in dismay.

He could have used the clones for the work but remembering a little incident related to the blonde idiot, he cancelled the idea. 

"Sakura. Do you remember the incident when we had to rescue our idiot from his own clones." Sasuke suddenly said with Sakura trying to remember the incident. 

She bursted out laughing. 

"Oh! That incident." 


One night, Team 7 and 9 were completing a joint C rank mission when Naruto's clones rebelled by tying up the real Naruto and holding him hostage at the ship. Naruto tried to break the rope using crystal and wind but the clones threatened him that they would crystalize him if he does not stop trying to escape. 

The blonde knew that he was outnumbered so he did the best but humilating thing, he could do. Wait for someone to rescue him. His pride was worth getting broken as he was in a life death situation. 

The rescue team which comprised of Team 7 and Team 9 soon came to his rescue much to his relief. 

It took 15 minutes for the the two teams to destroy the clones and untie an over humiliated Naruto. 

Flashback end

"HA HA HA.." Shizune and Orochimaru, who were left behind by Tsunade to help Sasuke in Hokage's business, could not help but laugh at the plight of Naruto. 

Suddenly, the door broke open and the Hokage entourage came in.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" Sasuke shouted. 

"A war is coming. We have to get ready." Tsunade said. 

It took a minute for everyone to process the information. Everyone's eyes widened in shock. 

"WHAT?! A WAR?!" Everyone shouted, horrified at the word. 

"Yes. Sasuke. Do you know Eiji?" Tsunade asked. 

"Umm. Yes. He is known to be stronger than Madara. Isn't it?" Sasuke asked. 

"Yes. Silent Blonde's real identity is Eiji Namikaze himself. He has given us one month for preparation of war."

"Wait a minute. How am I supposed to fight against the one who is stronger than Madara himself?" Sasuke asked. He felt someone touching on his shoulder. It was Kakashi Hatake. 

"You won't be alone. I will fight with you against Eiji Namikaze." Kakashi said with an eye smile. 

"And me too." He felt Sakura touching his shoulder. 

This warmed Sasuke's heart and he smiled. 

"Thank you guys." A small tear rolled down on his cheek. "We will avenge Naruto..... together." 

"Anyways, Sasuke. You will lead the Konoha shinobis along with Itachi. And give me back my hat." Tsunade said as Sasuke removed his hat and gave it back Tsunade who wore it to signify that she was the Hokage again. 

"So what exactly happened in the Kage meeting?" Sasuke asked

"I will tell you along with other members of Konoha 11 and Itachi Uchiha." Tsunade said.

1 Hour later

The briefing was finally completed and it received the reaction just as Tsunade predicted. There were calls for arms. Each member of Konoha 11 wanted to kill Eiji and they all offered Sasuke their hands for the upcoming battle, a gesture which warmed Sasuke's heart even more.

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