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Shino: Welcome to 55th installment of Crystal In Darkness. 

Tenten: This is about the rebellion carried out by Sasuke's clones.

Shino:It will not only be a swap between Naruto and Sasuke's position but it will contain some additional moments.

If there was one thing which Sasuke hated, besides Silent Blond, it was using clones. 

But right now, Sasuke has to control the sails due to the strong winds caused by the storm in the sea. He created 5 shadow clones and Kakashi also created 10 shadow cones to help them in controlling the ship. 

Sasuke would never admit it but he was grateful that he had the clones to control the the sails of the ship. 

The Uchiha, Hatake and their clones fell down on the ground after the storm, exhausted. 

Suddenly, Kakashi noticed that the pulley attached to the sails were loose in a dangerous way. 

"Someone go and attach the pulley properly to the mast." Kakashi said, too tired. 

"No. You go" One of the Hatake clones pointed towards Sasuke and a verbal fight started between them until the pulley fell, rushing towards Sasuke in great  speed. The last thing, the black haired Jounin remembered was being pushed by one of his clones, before he fell into unconscious. 

A few minutes later

Sasuke woke up to see that he andKakashi was surrounded by their clones, who were sitting in a ring shape.

Kakashi was trying to argue with his clones in order to pacify them. 

"Well, Kakashi. We have come here to talk you about unfair share of work when you create us." One of the clones said, crossing his arms. 

"Huh! What do you mean?" Kakashi questioned. 

"You know what I mean exactly. We want you to at least respect our choices and to release us when a particular work is done." The clone spoke. 

"You always make us to overwork yet refuse to  release us the moment we wish so." Another clone which was the saddest one started weeping. 

"See, what you have done. You must be considerate, not only of other people's feeling but also the feeling of the clone." A clone of Sasuke said.

Sasuke was finally having enough of the nonsense. So he angrily shouted "You all are clones and are supposed to be a part of me and Kakashi sensei. SO why should we heed to your request. Release." Sasuke said as he attempted to release the clones, Kakashi agreed to Sasuke and proceeded to release his motley crew. 

A moment passed but nothing happened. A series of shouts of Kai Kai Kai was heard but nothing happened as the clones just gave a boring look. 

"Didn't you know that we cannot disappear, unless we wish so." One of the Kakashi's clone said as he smirked under his mask. 

Both the original's eyes widened as they gritted their angrily. 

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? BOYS, COME ON LET'S ATTACK OUR SO CALLED ORIGINALS!" The leader among the clones which was one of the Kakashi's clones shouted as they rushed towards the originals and attacked them. 

Since, the rebelling clones already knew the abilities of the originals. It didn't take a long time to tie up the real Sasuke and later Kakashi, who literally spamming the Substitution jutsu repeatedly to avoid being captured but was soon outsmarted by his clones. 

"Kakashi senpai. Might Guy would like to..... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Yamato shouted in shock. 

Kakashi was tied up as the clones sat around him in a circular formation while Sasuke was forced to lie on the ground, with the one end of the rope held by one of the clone, who seemed to be the leader. The leader also placed one of his legs on the original Uchiha, whose face had a sheepish smile. 

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