70. Second Gokage Summit

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In the break of dawn, 5 figures could be seen interacting with 2 figures outside the gate of Konohagakure.

"Itachi. I hope that you can take care of Konoha in our absence." Tsunade said in a serious voice. She was flanked by Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Shikamaru and two anbus.

"Don't do anything like declaring dangos as the National food of Konoha." Jiraiya joked trying to lower the tension.

"I will not do anything like that cause I am not an idiot like my foolish little brother who is now too overpowered." Itachi said muttering the last part while he felt a light punch on his shoulder.

"Hey! I am still here ni san." Sasuke said.

"Anyways, as I was saying, be careful Itachi. We cannot evaluate the actual amount od threat imposed by Naruto. Its quite possible that he can outrank us, the sanin. We advise caution as the man is literally a walking bomb who will explode the moment he enters the Leaf." Orochinaru said.

"I know. Orochimaru sama." Itachi said.

Orochimaru was now one of the two elders of the leaf council along with Jiraiya after the previous elders were forced to resign after finding them guilty of corruption, association with Danzo and massacre of the Uchiha clan. His position was declared a few days ago and was accepted by the citizens of Konoha who trusted the power and decisions of the sanins.

"Anyway, best of luck Itachi. Hope that you can complete the paperworks." Tsunade said, trying to hide her thrill in her voice.

A few days later

"Alright. The Gokage summit will now pick up from where we were before being attacked by Eiji Namikaze. I believe that Hokage sama has something to say relating to Eiji san." Mifune began.

"But before you begin, I would like to remind you that all the discussions and debates will be done in a peaceful manner. I don't want the summit to end up in stalemate. Is that understood?" Mifune said in a stern voice as he saw the kages nodding. "Alright. Hokage dono. Please begin."

Tsunade stood up from her seat and looked around.

She saw Nagato, flanked by Konan and four anbus of Rain seating next to her in her left.

Gaara sat next to her on the right and was flanked by 5 Suna nins among which two of them were his own siblings and the other three were Suna Anbus.

Next to Gaara sat Mei Terumi, the Mizukage who was flanked by Chojuro and other 4 anbus of the Mist.

To the left of Nagato sat Ay, the Raikage who was flanked by Omoi, Karui, Samui, Motoi and an anbu whom we know as Rin.

Next to Ay sat Ohnoki, who selected 3 anbus besides Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi as his body guards.

"I would like to tell you that we have just found out that the man behind the mask of Eiji Namikaze is not him at all." Tsunade stopped as she looked around to see that she has got the full attention of the Kages and Nagato.

Shit. They have figured it out. But knowing Naruto, he will not pay much too attention about it. After all, his identity was bound to come out sooner or later. Nagato and Konan thought.

"He is just a teenager who wanted to be a hokage and also used to be one of the leaf's finest genin. He is the son od Yondaime Hokage and his name is Naruto Uzumaki., The sunshine of the Leaf Village." Tsunade declared as Gaara stood up with his eyes filled with horror.


After providing the proofs, Gaara sat down with a heavy heart, with his siblings patting him on his back.

What have you done, Naruto? You said that you have a lot of comrades and loved ones to protect. And now, here you are fighting against the same people you loved. I am sorry. Gaara thought as he wiped away his tears.

"Again, another villain has risen from the leaf! First Madara Uchiha, then Orochimaru, then Itachi and now that Naruto boy!" Ohnoki exclaimed, clearly exasperated.

"Don't say such things to the Leaf Tsuchikage dono. Why? Your village has Deidara and many missing nins." Mei said, rising to support the leaf.

"As much as I hate to do this, Mizukage dono is absolutely correct. We cannot blame each others during the war as it would provide the opponent an opportunity to attack the divided villages. We have to step aside from our past hatred and bring justice to Eiji Namikaze or rather Naruto Uzumaki." Ay said.

"So what would be your plan for the war?" Mifune asked.

"We are going to form an joint alliance against Naruto and that Madara guy, whom we yet don't know. We are going to name ourselves as the Shinobi alliance." Tsunade stated.

"Very well. But we cannot afford all the kages to fight in the battlefield as it will be too much for two man team. Who will lead the alliance? Any volunteers?" Mifune asked as Gaara raised his hands earning the surprise of everyone.

"I will be the lead the Shinobi alliance, Daimyo sama." Gaara said, with determination burning in his eyes.

"Any reason for volunteering?" Mifune asked.

"Yes. I, the youngest of all kages, am also a great tactician and I can use my sand to protect the crystal from attacking the shinobis. Above all thay, I know the other commanders of the army aka Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi very well. And that's why I would like to be a leader of the shinobi alliance." Gaara completed giving all the reasons and became silent.

"Any objections." Mifune asked. Finding none he said "Very well. Kazekage dono will be the leader of the alliance."

"Finally, let us hear about the commanders selected for each villages by their respective kages." Mifune said.

"I have selected Jonin Temari to be the commander of the sand." Gaara said.

"I have appointed Jonin Kurotsuchi to be the commander of Stone." Ohnoki declared.

"I have decided to select Chojuro as the commander of the Mist." Mei said.

"I will appoint Darui as the commander of the Clouds." Ay said.

"I have selected Konan to lead the Rain to its glory." Nagato said as he along with the Ay, Mei, Ohnoki and Gaara faced towards Tsunade who faced towards Mifune.

"And I, as the Hokage of the Leaf, select Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi to command the forces of the Leaf." Tsunade said, with her voice filled with pride.

"Very well. It's decided that Kazekage dono will lead the shinobi alliance." Mifune said as he stroked his beard.

Shino: And that brings an end to chapter 70 of Crystal in Darkness.

Tenten: As you might have already noticed, Shay san has decided to start writing the chapter name.

Shino:We hope that you like this little change and as always, Keep reading and....

Tenten: PEACE OUT!!!!!

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