Chapter 6:

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I wake up early then I go straight to the hospital. I run to the locker room and I get dressed. I get a text from my dad.

Text from: Coolest Dad Ever <3
Could you be an angel and do a couple of my pre ops for me before I get to the hospital pretty please? Traffic sucks :(

Text to: Coolest Dad Ever <3
I haven't even had my coffee yet but fine. Be damn lucky that I love you <3 I hope you know that I expect to see you with a cup of coffee for me. And a muffin!

Text from: Coolest Dad Ever <3
Yes sweetheart :) you're the best! I love you <3

I put my phone in my pocket then go to the front desk to grab a few pre op charts. I finish working on the patients within twenty minutes then I run back to the locker room for my protein bar. Meredith walks into the locker room as I shut my locker.

Delilah: there's my favourite Grey. You're late.
Meredith: I know.

Shortly after, Cristina strolls in.

Delilah: hey!
Meredith: you're late.
Cristina: so are you.
Meredith: I know, and I can't afford to piss off Bailey any more. Do you think she told anyone?
Delilah: Bailey told anyone what?
Cristina: about you and McDreamy?
Meredith: yeah.
Delilah: Cristina. I thought I said not to call my dad McDreamy in front of me. And Mer, when did you and my dad happen again?
Meredith: the night of the party. You were blacked out by this point.
Delilah: ah.
Cristina: anyways, I don't think Bailey told. He's her boss too.

We leave the locker room.

Meredith: if they found out, what can they...? Can they kick me out or...?
Cristina: no... not officially. You'll just get edged out, blacklisted, banned from his surgeries, passed over for chief resident. It'll be humiliating, but you'll live.
Delilah: very comforting Cris. Don't worry Mer, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Meredith: I have to end it. I definitely have to end it. I have to end it, right?
Cristina: Meredith, shut up.
Meredith: what? Did you seriously just tell me to shut up? Did she just tell me to shut up?
Delilah: I heard it too.
Cristina: oh please. You got a hot doctor who likes to make you open up and say "ahh". It's the American dream. Stop whining about it.
Delilah: and... I'm officially scarred for life now. Thanks Cris.
Cristina: sorry baby Shepherd.
Meredith: no. No good can come from sleeping with your boss.

We catch up with Bailey and the others.

Bailey: Cristina, you're late.
Cristina: so is Meredith and Delilah.
Delilah: I told Dr. Bailey in advance that I would be a little late because Dr. Shepherd asked me to do a few of his pre ops for him since he was running late.
Bailey: exactly Yang.

We make our way to room 2111.

Bailey: when we walk in this door, you will maintain decorum. You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw. Are we understood?
Bailey opens the door and we enter the room.
Izzie: why would we laugh?
Alex: oh, just you wait.
Bailey: good morning miss Connors.
Annie: good morning.

I see a woman lying in the bed with an extremely large tumor.

George: what is it?
Cristina: tumor.
Alex: good morning Annie. How are you? This is Dr. Bailey and these are my fellow interns.
Bailey: Dr. Karev, we refer to patients as "mister"...
Annie: I told him to call me Annie. Miss Conners makes me feel old and fat, which I am, but why feel that way?
Delilah: Annie, I can assure you that you are far from old. You are young and very beautiful.

Annie flashes me a smile as Burke walks into the room.
Annie: I like you.

I give Annie a smile back.

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