Chapter 131:

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As chaotic as the hospital usually is, the most chaotic thing that has happened is that the hospital is being investigated after Bailey operated on three different patients that got a post-op infection.

Jackson and I greet the CDC workers and bring them to the OR.

Delilah: I hate this.
Jackson: I know Bailey is your friend and former mentor and you want to help her, but we don't have a choice honey.
Delilah: I know.


I'm sitting in the lounge with Jackson, Cristina, Callie, Arizona, Mer and my dad talking about the investigation.

Dad: we are throwing Bailey under the bus.
Jackson: that is not what we're doing.
Callie: no, it seems like that's exactly what we're doing.
Delilah: two of our patients are dead of the same post-op infection. A third one's barely hanging on. It was time. We get the CDC in here and figure this thing out.
Meredith: by treating Bailey like a criminal? She hasn't done anything.
Jackson: I hope that you're right.
Delilah: Mer, the truth is... we don't know that yet. The CDC is simply asking us to temporarily freeze Bailey's files.
Dad: oh, come on.
Jackson: and that we not discuss this investigation with her. So today, just keep your distance.
Cristina: that is ridiculous.
Jackson: also, I think now's the time to put out a statement.

I want to get to the bottom of this, but it is too early to even think about putting out a statement.

Everyone: no.
Arizona: about what? I mean, we don't even know if Bailey's the source of this thing.
Jackson: if one of ours is at fault and we just sit on this information, we look like we're trying to cover something up. The only way to let the public know that we can be objective is by being transparent.
Callie: vote?
Jackson: I'm just saying, people should learn the news from us.
Dad: there's no news.
Callie: okay, vote?
Jackson: there's no news yet.
Callie: vote. All in favour of no press release.

I slowly raise my hand along with everyone else.

Callie: okay. No press release. No statement. Clear?

Jackson looks at me with disappointment on his face as everyone walks out.

Jackson: why the hell did you agree with everyone? I thought you were on my side here Lilah.
Delilah: honey, I want to get to the bottom of this. I don't want to raise panic by putting out a statement when the CDC has just started the investigation. They were right. We don't even know yet if Bailey is the source of this infection so we can't say anything until we know the facts.
Jackson: whatever.

I scoff at Jackson as he walks out of the lounge.


I get a page from my dad to meet in Rachel Dawson's room to update Ethan and his grandmother.

Dad: as you can see, there aren't any residual effects from the surgery.
Rachel: so... I can go home?
Delilah: well, we'd like to keep an eye on you for a few more days.
Rachel: well, we can handle a few more days. Right buddy?
Ethan: hey grandma, do you want to see dad? I can take you.
Ethan's grandma: oh, uh, is that... can– can he—
Owen: sure, sure. He sees his dad every day. He chats up a storm. He told him all about you coming to visit.
Ethan: dad's still unconscious. That's because his brain is resting. It's not uncommon after a trauma for a person not to wake up right away.

Dad, Owen and I look at Ethan in amusement.

Rachel: and speaking of Paul, I'd like to see him too. If that's alright?
Delilah: Ethan sweetheart, do you feel up to pushing your mom in a wheelchair?
Ethan: oh yeah.

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