A lot has happened lately. Since Izzie deposited her 8 million dollar check from Denny, her and Bailey decided to open a clinic here at the hospital. And George has been on a bit of a leave since his dad passed away. With my now empty cup of coffee in hand, I walk into the brand new clinic to show my support to Izzie.
Delilah: morning everyone! Wow Bailey, this looks amazing.
Bailey: good morning to you Shepherd. Welcome to the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic. Barring any emergencies, you will be working here today.
Cristina: working on what?
Bailey: right now, Olivia will be familiarizing you with the protocol for the flu vaccine.I walk over to Alex who was handling something. I swipe it from his hands.
Izzie: oh! No no no. Don't... don't touch that. That was... 79 dollars.
I roll my eyes at Izzie then stand next to Cristina.
Cristina: oh my god, I have got to get out of here. Burke has a bloodless pulmonary valve transplant patient flying in from Denver tomorrow. I should be preparing,
Alex: you don't get to scrub in on that valve transplant.
Cristina: how do you know?
Alex: because I am.
Cristina: he picked you?
Olivia: you guys ready?As Olivia started teaching us the flu vaccine protocol, I see Mark and the Chief walk into the clinic.
Mark: Dr. Bailey, congratulations on opening the clinic. Morning Del.
Delilah: morning Mark.Mark takes my empty coffee cup out of my hand and placed another cup of coffee in my hand.
Delilah: this is why I keep you around.
Webber: is Stevens okay?I notice Izzie staring at the door.
Bailey: she's watching the door sir.
Webber: okay then.
Izzie: somebody's coming!I look over at the door and I smile wide when I see George and Callie come in.
Delilah: oh my god, you guys are back!!
I pull Callie into a quick hug then I throw myself in George's arms.
Delilah: I'm glad you're back.
Bailey: O'Malley, welcome back. You're late.
Webber: is O'Malley alright?I pull away from George then I see him grab Callie's hand.
George: we got married in Vegas! We're married.
Everyone went into a state of shock and I stay in a state of shock for about ten seconds then I jump into the couple's arms.
Delilah: that's amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!
Callie: thanks Delilah.
Alex: dude, she's Callie O'Malley.I chuckle at Alex as Izzie pulls George to the side while I chat with Callie.
Delilah: I'm really happy for you and George.
Callie: thanks Delilah.I could hear Izzie talking to George.
Izzie: it's fast, you know? It seems really very fast. Are you... are you even happy?
Callie walks up next to George and talks back to Izzie.
Callie: we're incredibly happy.
I smile at Callie and George as they share a kiss.
Izzie: oh yay! Well, great. Yay!
I roll my eyes at Izzie's obviously fake tone.
George: show them the ring.
Callie: oh.Callie brings out her hand to show off her ring. It was a band with a small diamond on it. It was still beautiful.
Izzie: oh, that's so great! Tiny diamonds are great because, you know, no one will ever try to steal it.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
Fiksi PenggemarDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...