I wake up the next morning absolutely exhausted. I only managed to get a couple hours of sleep due to the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about Theo. I fix myself up then I go to the intern locker room. When I get there, I see all my friends. Izzie, Alex and Cristina are by their lockers and George is sitting on one of the benches holding a chart.
Delilah: hey guys.
All my friends turn in my direction at the sound of my croaky voice.
Cristina: what happened to your voice baby Shepherd? It was like that yesterday too.
Alex: are you sick?Alex walks up to me and puts his hand on my forehead to check for a fever.
Delilah: I'm fine you guys.
I sit next to George and put my hand on his shoulder.
Delilah: Georgie, are you okay? You look upset.
George: my dad was admitted last night.My heart drops when I hear about George's dad. After I met George's dad back on Thanksgiving forever ago, I grew to love the O'Malley family. Hearing about George's dad broke my heart. Not only for my best friend but for the man who treated me like family.
Delilah: oh my god George.
I pull my best friend into a hug then I kiss his temple. I may be going through a heartbreak right now but my best friend needs me and I have to push my emotions aside to help him stay strong for his dad. As I pull away from George, I see Meredith skip into the locker room looking insanely happy but I don't acknowledge it due to my focus being on George.
Meredith: today is the day people! Today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever and bright and shiny Meredith takes her place.
Delilah: Meredith...
Meredith: you're probably not going to want to be friends with me anymore cause the sheer intensity of my happiness will make your teeth hurt.
Delilah: Mer...
Meredith: that's okay, cause life is good. Life is good.
Delilah: Meredith.Meredith looks at me then at the group.
Meredith: what's going on?
Izzie: George's dad was admitted last night.
Meredith: oh my god. Is he okay?
George: he's fine.
Delilah: he passed out, hit the floor and fractured his clavicle.
George: his clavicle is fine. Callie said... she said it was fine.
Delilah: he's also complaining of abdominal pain.
Cristina: he doesn't have peritoneal signs, that's a good thing.I see Bailey come into the locker room.
Bailey: has anybody seen...
George hands Bailey his dad's chart.
George: I was just looking at it.
Bailey: don't you think me reading it is more important than you reading it?
George: sure, fine. He's going to be fine.
Bailey: you're on scut today. You'll be distracted.
George: no I won't—
Bailey: family members do not treat family members. Scut!
Cristina: I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with Dr. Burke this morning.
Bailey: of course you are. Karev, Sloan. Grey, pit. Shepherd, you're with me. Stevens, shadow Karev. And let me remind you again of the rules of your probation.
Alex: I think she knows the rules Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: no touching patients, no talking to patients, no rolling your eyes at patients... or your superiors.I walk out of the room then everyone splits off to do their assignments while I stick with Bailey. George loops his arm through mine as we walk.
George: you okay? Your voice is really croaky.
Delilah: I'm fine George, don't worry about me.Bailey, George and I walk into Mr. O'Malley's room and I see Callie talking to George's brothers.
Delilah: Mr. O'Malley!
Harold: Delilah! Come give me a hug darlin'.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...