I started the day doing sutures in the pit. After a bit, I walk over to the gallery to see Burke and Alex operating and I see the girls. Cristina was pacing and I tilt my head in confusion when I see Izzie and Meredith... knitting.
Delilah: since when am I friends with ninety year old women?
Cristina chuckles while Meredith and Izzie glare at me before going back to knitting. I see a very annoyed look on Cristina's face as I sit next to Meredith.
Delilah: okay seriously, what's going on with you three? Cristina's freaking me out with her pacing and you two are just concerning me.
Meredith: Cristina's ranting about George and Izzie and I are going celibate.I snort at the idea of Meredith and Izzie going celibate.
Delilah: you, celibate? Please. And Cristina, why are you ranting about George this time?
Cristina goes on to explain how much time him and Burke spend together and also what happened during their game night including Callie, since George and Callie have been hanging out together a lot lately.
Cristina: who doesn't know Madonna?
Izzie: (coughing) sore loser!I chuckle at Izzie's comment.
Cristina: I am not a sore loser. You know, and so what if I am? See, the whole point of games is that there's a winner. A first place. You want a second best surgeon operating on you? No, you want the very best, second best is mediocre. And to settle for mediocrity is... is frankly, you know, a sign of self-loathing and substandard work ethics. I've gotta get George out of my apartment.
Meredith: you know, you could sleep with him and then right in the middle, start crying. It's painful and humiliating and unbelievably cruel, but apparently it works.I whack Meredith on the arm, making her wince then rub her arm.
Delilah: keep knitting.
Izzie: kick him out so that he can come back home to us.
Cristina: no, I can't kick him out. You know, he's Burke's puppy. It's gotta be Burke's idea. I just gotta figure out a way to make him do it.I watch Burke's surgery for a bit then I run off and I find my dad walking down the hallway.
Delilah: hey!
Dad: hey sweetie.
Delilah: you coming out of surgery?
Dad: no, going in. Had to push back a bit cause I had to take Doc to the vet.
Delilah: is he alright?
Dad: he's sick. The vet will run some tests and keep an eye on him overnight.
Delilah: okay, good. Hey, Meredith told me something really funny. She told me she was going celibate.
Dad: I know. I found her at the bar the other night, knitting.
Delilah: yeah, I saw her knitting too. I know Meredith, she couldn't last long in celibacy.
Dad: and you could?
Delilah: dad, I haven't had a boyfriend since college.
Dad: ... oh yeah.I chuckle at my dad as we approach Addison.
Dad: good morning.
Addison: you going into surgery or coming out?
Dad: going in. I had to push back, Doc's sick,
Addison: sick? What are his symptoms?
Dad: polydipsia, lethargy, and vomiting.
Addison: any sign of fever or dehydration?
Derek: it's unclear. I was considering running a course of IV antibiotics and a saline drip.I chuckle at my dad's joke.
Dad: no Addison, he's a dog. I dropped him off at the vet. They're gonna run some tests and observe him overnight. Meredith will check on him later:
Addison: I gotta run, I got a transfer in from Mercy West. Will you wait for me to go home?
Dad: yeah.
Addison: Delilah, wanna work with me today?
Delilah: sure, I'll catch up with you in a sec.Addison smiles at me before walking off.
Delilah: you two okay?
Dad: yeah. Why?
Delilah: nothing, just a concerned daughter.
Dad: we're fine honey.
Delilah: okay, good. See you later?
Dad: mhmm.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...