I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I slam the off button then I get ready for the day before driving to the hospital. I see Meredith, George and Izzie pulling up to the hospital as I get out of my car. I jump out and then meet up with them. I see Cristina pull up to the parking lot on a motorcycle.
Delilah: dang! Sweet ride Cris.
Meredith: yikes, wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley.
Cristina: right back at you.I get a text from my dad.
Text from: Coolest Dad Ever <3
You at the hospital yet?Text to: Coolest Dad Ever <3
Walking in right now with Mer, Cristina, George, Izzie... and Alex just joined the group. I'll be inside in a sec <3I see Alex jogging up to us.
Izzie: a run? A run?
Alex: every day babe, every day.I roll my eyes at Alex.
Meredith: not suffering enough?
Alex: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Cristina: don't go acting all indefatigable. You're dragging like the rest of us.
Alex: oh, what is that, professional weakness, Dr. Yang?
Cristina: it's called the flu.
Alex: yeah.I wrap my arm around Cristina as we walk into the hospital and into the intern locker room.
George: I'm gonna need a major rush to make it through this day. I need a kick ass surgery.
Delilah: I need coffee.
Alex: ooh, you a bad boy last night George?
Izzie: that would be Meredith.
Delilah: dang girl, get some!
Alex: you a bad boy Meredith?
Cristina: do tell.
Meredith: nothing to tell.
Cristina: that says it all, huh?Izzie slams her locker door causing me to jump a little.
Meredith: sorry I have a sex life.
Alex: don't apologize. Embrace it. Share it. Count me in.I smack Alex on the arm.
Izzie: yeah, next time, just let me know if I need to go to a hotel so I can get some sleep.
Meredith: am I missing something?
George: you were just a little loud.Everyone leaves except for Meredith, Cristina and I.
Cristina: do they know it's, sorry baby Shepherd, McDreamy keeping them up all night?
Delilah: seriously Mer, my dad again?
Meredith: sorry Del. And I hope not. I already have Bailey riding me, I don't need my roommates thinking I'm getting special treatment.We leave the locker room then meet up with everyone in the hallway.
Bailey: O'Malley, Yang, Karev, go on to the clinic.
I chuckle as I watch my dad putting in eye drops through the window.
Bailey: O'Malley, patients are waiting. You three come with me. Izzie, you're hanging with me today. Good morning Dr. Shepherd.
Dad: Dr. Bailey. Late night Grey?
Meredith: no, caffeine just hasn't kicked in yet.
Bailey: if you're at all religious, you would want to start praying it kicks in soon. There's a consult in the pit. Girl with a fever and abdominal pain. After that, Nicholas in 3311 needs his meds. Mr. Moeller's IV fell out, and he's a hard stick. Post ops in 1337, 3342, 3363, and 2381.
Meredith: 381, 3342, 3363, and 23... 81?
Bailey: why are you still standing in front of me? Shepherd, go find O'Malley.
Delilah: yes Dr. Bailey.Meredith runs off and I find George working on a little girl with a foot twitch.
Delilah: hey. Bailey wants you and I together today so, yay me. Hi, I'm Dr. Shepherd.
I check the little girl's chart.
George: ahhh. And you noticed her foot twitching? Come on Jamie.
Jamie: my foot.
George: oh yeah. About three months ago?
Mrs. Hayes: just a little. We took her to County Hospital and she got the CT scan, which showed her...
George: brain abnormality. Here, you can put it...
Delilah: and the twitching got worse?
Mr. Hayes: a lot worse. They just don't have the proper equipment back home to figure out what's wrong.
George: you did a... you did a good thing.
Jamie: show mommy.
George: yes, your mommy.
Jamie: show mommy and daddy.
George: okay, you did a good thing by coming all this way Mr and Mrs Hayes. You sit tight Jamie, okay? I'm gonna bring in Dr. Shepherd to see you, okay?
Jamie: Shepherd.
George: okay? Dr. Shepherd. Okay? He's the brain specialist.
Jamie: mommy and daddy.
Mrs. Hayes: doctor? Is he good, this Dr. Shepherd?
George: at just about everything. You good to stay with them for a bit while I go find him D?
Delilah: I don't mind.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...