We've been with the quints for 9 hours. And currently, I'm laughing at my friends as they bicker over which quint is "better".
George: I have the best quint. Lucy. She just smiled at me.
Izzie: she's nine hours old George.
George: I'm saying. There are five babies here and clearly, mine is the advanced one.I chuckle at my best friend then kiss the top of his head.
Meredith: Charlotte's smart. She's got wrinkles on her forehead. Very serious.
Izzie: okay, A, this is not a competition, and B, my quint kicks your quints' asses. Emily's strong. She won't let go of my finger.
Cristina: hey, Julie has her organs on the outside of her body and she's still alive, thank you.I chuckle at Cristina as Alex walks in.
Alex: Kate's the best.
Alex puts a hand on my shoulder and I lean into him. Lately, Alex and I have been growing closer as friends. He's been opening up to me a lot about the darkest parts of his past and I've opened up to him about the darkest parts of mine and it felt nice. I see Alex looking over at Izzie. He had told me earlier that he slept with Olivia and Izzie caught them together and now, she's pissed at him.
Alex: Izzie.
Izzie: leave.
Alex: can we please just talk?
Izzie: you're too busy screwing nurses to talk. Just get out.
Alex: can someone make sure that Kate's vitals remain stable?
Delilah: I will.Alex kisses my head then walks away. I understand that Izzie is mad but she shouldn't be that harsh towards Alex.
Izzie: he is unbelievable. I am so glad I never slept with him, which is his loss, because I'm really good in bed. Mind blowing. Mind blowingly good in bed.
Cristina: are you trying to seduce us?
Izzie: and then he sleeps with Olivia instead of me. Olivia!!
George: hey, I slept with Olivia.
Izzie: well, then you both have bad taste.
Meredith: you can't say that you weren't warned. Alex has always been Alex. You dodged a bullet Iz. You're better off without him.
Cristina: why are you even surprised? You sleep with a snake, you get bit.
Izzie: thanks guys... for the support.I see Dr. Bailey walk into the room.
Bailey: who's on call tonight?
Izzie: I am.
Bailey: alright. The rest of you, go home, sleep. All five quints are alive. It's a good day.George helps me out of my chair and wraps an arm around my waist as we walk to the locker room.
George: wanna just stay at Mer's for the night?
Delilah: can I? Honestly, I'm too tired to drive all the way back to my apartment.
George: you can sleep in my room like usual.
Delilah: you're the best.We walk out of the hospital and I ride with George and Meredith back to their place, leaving my car at the hospital. The second we get to the house, I bolt to George's room and plop onto the bed. I sense George beside me and I lay my head on his chest. I feel George's hand run through my hair then I fall asleep instantly.
-the next morning-
Mer, George and I get up the next day, get dressed then drive to the hospital. George was standing in between Mer and I as we walk down the hall.George: so, I was thinking we... I mean, me and you could maybe go to Joe's later to talk by ourselves—
George gets cut off when I hear Addison fighting with my dad.
Dad: why should I move?
Addison: you live on a campground!
Dad: it's 40 acres of the most beautiful land in Seattle.
Addison: I didn't give up a Central Park brownstone to live in the forest.
Dad: our house in the Hamptons had trees.
Addison: they were the Hamptons!
Dad: why are you pointing?!I sigh as Addison and my dad walk away in opposite directions.
Delilah: looks like I'm gonna have my hands full today...
Meredith: I'm sorry. What were you saying?
George: oh, nothing.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...