My dad is finally starting our clinical trial and I'm so excited. I'm working my ass off alongside my dad to make sure we do everything right.
Dylan: I can't believe you're doing the clinical trial. You must be on cloud nine.
Delilah: totally. Hey, I have something to ask you.
Dylan: sure. What's on your mind?Dylan loops his arm through mine.
Delilah: I was gonna go to Mer and Cristina first, but you're my friend and Jackson's best friend so I thought you would be a good person to ask. And plus, I trust that you'll be really honest.
Dylan: this is related to Jackson?
Delilah: mhmm. Don't say anything.
Dylan: what's on your mind sista?I'm about to respond when I feel someone loop their arm through mine. I look to my right and I see Scotty. He just got into his new place and today is his first day working on the Psych floor.
Delilah: hey you!
Scotty: hey! What am I missing?
Delilah: I'm actually glad that you found me 'cause I need your thoughts on something.
Scotty: spill it girl.
Delilah: before I do... Scotty, meet Dylan. Dylan, meet Scotty. Dylan is one of the surgeons who came here during the merger, and Scotty here is my NY childhood BFF.
Scotty: nice to finally meet you.
Dylan: you too. Lilah tells me a lot about you.
Scotty: same. Anywho, spill.
Delilah: okay okay. So, I've been thinking a lot lately about Jackson and I. And I feel like we're at a really good place in our relationship. So... I've been thinking about asking him to move in together.Both boys look at me in shock.
Delilah: I know it seems a bit soon considering we've only been together, like, eight months, but I'm serious about him. I've never lived with a guy before, but Jackson is the first guy I've ever wanted to take that step with. I'm crazy about him. What do you guys think, is it too soon?
Dylan: I say go for it.
Delilah: really?
Dylan: I mean, he practically lives with you already. In the eight months y'all have been together, you've slept at his place, like, three times. And it would be better for him to live in your apartment because your place is closer to the hospital and let's be honest, your place is way nicer than the apartment we lived in.
Delilah: you seriously think I should?
Dylan: I do. Del, I've never seen my best friend this happy before. I definitely think you should do it.
Delilah: S?
Scotty: follow your heart boo.
Delilah: okay. Okay... I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask him to move in together.
Dylan: are you thinking moving into your apartment, or finding a new place together? 'Cause I think you should find a new place together. You know, starting a new chapter together, it would be nice to have a fresh place.
Delilah: I mean, I guess you're right. If Jackson says yes, I can start looking for places. Thanks you guys. You're the best.
Scotty: anytime boo. Anyways, I gotta bounce.
Delilah: see you for lunch?
Scotty: absolutely. Bye!!Scotty kisses my cheek before running off.
Dylan: so how does Meredith feel about not being a part of it?
Delilah: she's mad at my dad for choosing Alex over her to be a part of it.
Dylan: is she mad at you?
Delilah: no. She understands that my dad and I started this thing together and she told me that I deserve this.
Dylan: you do, you really do.Suddenly, I get a page from my dad.
Delilah: dad is paging me. I have to go. See ya!
I run off to find my dad and Alex in our next patient's room.
Delilah: hey, sorry I'm late.
Dad: it's okay. We were just talking to Daniel and his wife. Daniel, this is my daughter Delilah Shepherd. She is also working with me on this trial.
Delilah: hi there. You having a good day daniel?
Daniel: yes I am Dr. Shepherd. Your father gives me that wonder drug of yours, I'll be even better.
Dad: well, if it came down to how much I like the patient, you'd be a shoo-in.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...