Delilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...
Today is Alex's trial and I've never been more nervous. Jackson hasn't spoken to me since the night Alex was arrested and I hate it. Yes, I didn't tell him the truth and it was wrong, but I was trying to protect Alex, even though I shouldn't have been.
Scotty: you okay? Delilah: just nervous about Alex's trial. Scotty: have you talked to Jackson? Delilah: he's being a stubborn little baby. Scotty: he'll get over it, I promise. Listen, what you did was wrong, but I totally understand why you did it. Delilah: at least I have you on my side. Scotty: of course.
Suddenly, Scotty's pager goes off.
Scotty: damn it. One of the patients ran away from the Psych floor. Delilah: have fun finding crazy person.
I walk off and I decided to see April and Dylan. I smile as I walk into April's room.
Delilah: hello! Dylan: hey. Delilah: hey guys. April, how are you feeling? April: I'm okay. Delilah: where's my goddaughter? Dylan: Karev is bringing her around.
I give both of them a hug. Just as I pull away, I hear a baby cooing and I turn around to see Alex wheeling Harriet in. My heart melts at the sight of my new goddaughter.
Alex: here's our girl. April: hi sweetie. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Alex hands Harriet to April.
Alex: Harriet is gaining weight right on schedule. She's healthy and fat. Dylan: fat baby.
I chuckle at the new father.
Alex: fat baby.
I chuckle again as Alex and Dylan share a fist bump.
Alex: and healthy enough to go home today. Dylan: yeah?
I smile as Alex nods his head.
April: are you sure she's ready? What about her respirations. I thought I— Alex: Kepner, you can take your kid home.
Alex's phone goes off and he looks at it. Must be about the trial.
Alex: look, I got to go.
Yep, it's about the trial.
Dylan: oh, that's today. Alex: congrats on the fat baby. Dylan: okay, yeah. Thanks. Delilah: I'll be back. She's beautiful, congrats guys.
I kiss Dylan and April on the cheek then kiss my goddaughter before running off with Alex.
-court house-
I was straightening out my outfit as we walk through the court house.
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Meredith: so, they're just charging you today. Alex: I know. Delilah: it'll probably be a misdemeanor with probation. Alex: I know Lilah.