Chapter 118:

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Another day, another stupid meeting with stupid lawyers. I'm walking into work with Scotty and walk with him to Psych.

Scotty: are you sure you wanna be here right now boo? You've been really sick.
Delilah: I have to be here. I have another stupid meeting with the stupid lawyers.
Scotty: you can miss one meetin D.
Delilah: S, I can't. If you knew what goes down in these meetings, you'd understand that I can't...

Suddenly, I had a very sick feeling in my stomach so I run to the nearest bathroom and puke in the closest stall. Scotty holds my hair back as I puke my guts out.

Scotty: damn girl, I've never seen your period sickness get this bad.

Whenever I got my period, I always get sick which is a total nightmare.

Delilah: I think it's just a stomach bug or something.
Scotty: girl... when were you supposed to have your period?
Delilah: uh...

I think back to my last menstral cycle. My eyes widen when realization dawns upon me. I'm late... like, really late.

Delilah: oh my god... I'm, like... close to four weeks late.

Scotty and I share a look of fear.

Delilah: Scotty... am I pregnant??

My anxiety starts building and my heart starts racing at a mile a minute.

Delilah: what do I do S? Jackson and I aren't even freakin' married yet!! We promised that we wouldn't start trying for a family until after we get married. What do I do?!
Scotty: girl, chill out. Go get a pregnancy test from the clinic.
Delilah: no way! I'm not trusting a pregnancy test. My ex stepmother Addison is in neonatal and my aunt Nancy is an OB, and they always told me to never rely on pregnancy tests. I'm just gonna get a blood test under a Jane Doe. I gonna talk to Bailey because I trust her.

I grab my things and run to the locker room to change. Once I was changed, I start running around the hospital until I find Bailey at a nurses station.

Delilah: heeeeey Bailey! How ya doin' today? You look wonderful today.
Bailey: what do you want Shepherd?
Delilah: I need a word with you alone.

I grab Bailey's arm and drag her into the closest exam room.

Delilah: I think I might be pregnant.
Bailey: have you taken a pregnancy test?
Delilah: no. Do you remember who my ex stepmother is? She told me to never trust pregnancy tests. I need you to do a blood test for me and I need you to do it under Jane Doe. Please Bailey, I trust you more than anyone else. I am literally begging you, 'cause I'm freaking out here and you are the one person I trust with literally anything and—
Bailey: Shepherd.
Delilah: mm?
Bailey: you can stop stammering. I'll do it for you.
Delilah: Miranda Bailey, I literally love you with all my heart.

I throw my arms around Bailey then she sneaks me into a room to take my blood.

Bailey: you alright Shepherd?
Delilah: just nervous. I mean, Jackson and I aren't even married yet and we said that we wouldn't start trying for a family until we're married. What if Jackson calls off the wedding and leaves me?
Bailey: don't be dramatic Shepherd. Avery loves you, and if you are pregnant, he will be excited.

Bailey and I talk to take my mind off my nerves and soon enough, the blood test was done.

Delilah: Bailey, I seriously owe you one.
Bailey: you've always been my favourite Shepherd. I'd do anything for you.

I smile at Bailey as she patches up my arm.

Bailey: alright, I'll be paged when your results come in and I'll page you.
Delilah: seriously Bailey, I can't thank you enough.
Bailey: you're welcome Shepherd.

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