Chapter 136:

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Ah, Halloween. The spookiest day of the year. This year is gonna be special because it's my twins' first Halloween and I'm so excited. I went full mom mode and made them Thing 1 and Thing 2 costumes.

I'm walking around the hospital with Dylan gushing over my kids and their costumes.

Delilah: I didn't sleep for three days making those costumes.
Dylan: I'm sure they're gonna look adorable.
Delilah: hell yeah they are.
Dylan: I'm glad you're excited.
Delilah: I haven't felt this way in a long time. I haven't liked holidays since my best friend George passed away. But now that I'm a mom, I have something to look forward to.

Dylan wraps an arm around me as I see Mer talking to Cristina. Lately, Mer and Cris haven't been on the best terms after a little spat they had.

Meredith: Lilah, please tell me you and Jackson are coming to the party tonight with the twins.
Delilah: of course I am!
Meredith: awesome.

Then, I get a text from Jackson.

My Love 💘: incoming trauma. Happy Halloween lovey 😋👻

Delilah: if you'll excuse me, I gotta go be a badass trauma surgeon. Later boys and ghouls!

I run down to the ER and throw on a trauma gown before meeting Jackson and April at the ambulance bay to bring our patient in.

Paramedic: Victor Brown– 30 year old male mauling victim. Vitals are stable.
Delilah: let's get him into trauma.
April: what mauled him?
Victor: he– he tackled me. He came out of nowhere.
Jackson: wait. Who is "he"?
Victor: the guy– he was snarling and growling.
April: I'm sorry. A person did this to you?
Victor: he started eating my face off like some sort of...
Murphy: zombie?
Owen: Shep. Murphy, Edwards.

I see Owen bringing in another patient. I run over to him and immediately realize that it was the attacker.

Paramedic: it's the biter. Multiple GSWs to the chest. BP 90/60. Pulse in the 120s. He's on something.
Leah: how is this guy stable? He's got two bullet holes over his heart.
Paramedic: cops shot him before he ate that other guy's whole face off. And he got 4 of Lorazepam. Barely slowed him down.

I stand close to Owen, not wanting to be too close to the lunatic.

Delilah: alright, he needs to be sedated. Push 2 of Lorazepam and 5 of Haldol.
Leah: this guy should not be alive. Guys, I can barely hear his heart.

Suddenly, the guy shoots up and bites Murphy in the shoulder, causing her to let out a blood curdling scream. Owen and I grab Murphy and pull her from the guy's grasp. I take Murphy away and put her in a hospital bed and get her disinfected. I get Edwards and Wilson to take care of her then I run off to help Jackson with Victor.

Victor: he didn't die. They shot him in the heart twice, and he didn't die. I thought he was crazy.
Jackson: he was just crazy.
Victor: then why didn't he die?!
Delilah: Victor, Dr. Avery has a needle right next to your face. We're gonna need you to calm down, okay? Do you have any pain elsewhere?
Victor: it's just sore. And stiff. Oh my god. Is this rigor mortis?
Delilah: Victor, zombies aren't real. We know this, right?
Victor: you. You should... qua-quarantine...

Suddenly, Victor's monitors start beeping erratically and his speech started slowing down.

Delilah: Victor, squeeze my hand. Did you hit your head when he attacked you?
Victor: you should quarantine—
Jackson: can you smile for me buddy?

Victor's lips were moving but couldn't form a smile.

Delilah: he's having a stroke. There's pulsatile mass. Could be damage to the carotid. Maybe a pseudoaneurysm.
Jackson: alright. Get the ultrasound. I'm gonna book an OR.

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