Chapter 68:

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The advantage of being loved by all the nurses: I didn't have to ask them to page me when an appy comes in, they just tell me that they will.

I get woken up at three in the morning to the sound of my pager. I quickly jump out of bed, get dressed into my scrubs and lab coat then bolt to the hospital. When I get to the hospital, I zoom to the locker room, literally throw my stuff in my locker then bolt to the pit where I see my friends heading.

Meredith: how are you here?
Delilah: you're forgetting that the nurses love me and I didn't have to pay off a nurse to page me for incoming appys, unlike Alex here.
Alex: shut up!

I chuckle at Alex as Cristina and I meet with the ambulance. After that, we wait for Bailey.

Bailey: what are you all doing here?
Cristina: he's mine and baby Shepherd's. We met the ambulance.
Meredith: and they're sharing him with me.
George: he's mine. I'm on call.
Alex: good morning Dr. Bailey. You look nice today.
Delilah: shut your trap brownnoser.
Cristina: baby Shepherd and I got here first. And the Chief said that I'm the one to watch.
Bailey: oh, I get it. It's solo surgery time, and you all have heard the past two years the Chief has assigned an appendectomy, so you little mini surgeons dragged your butts out of bed to pick up some final tips from the masters. Yeah, it's kinda cute. I could use two of you—
George: but I'm on call.
Cristina: just filled Meredith in on the case.
Meredith: Jason Kron, 47, tenderness over McBurney's point.
Bailey: huh. Karev, what do you know about Mr. Kron?
Alex: I know he's a lucky man to have you as a surgeon.
Delilah: suck up.

Then, I see Owen coming in with a patient on a gurney.

Paramedic: Arthur Soltanoff, 45, fell from a second story window. Stable vitals, multiple fractures and lacerations with evidence of head trauma.
Owen: trauma one. Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna need one or two of your residents.
George: me, mine! I'm on call.
Bailey: it's yours, you too Shepherd.
Delilah: yes!

I run in with George and I notice a couple of my interns hanging around.

Delilah: Jones, Drake! What are you guys doing here? You guys don't work until later in the morning.
Leon: a nurse paged us that you were here so we thought we'd help you out while you get your solo surgery.
Delilah: you dragged your butts out of bed at three in the morning to help me?
Tanner: of course. You're the best resident ever.

My heart melts at my intern's words.

Delilah: you guys are so wonderful. Hey, do you mind checking on some of my dad's and my patients for me?
Tanner: absolutely!
Delilah: you guys rock!

I see Mark and Callie come to the trauma room as my interns walk away.

Mark: hey doll! How are you up this early?
Callie: she's here to make sure that she gets that solo surgery.
Delilah: I'm not as eager as the others, but I want to earn it.
Callie: you kidding me? You're so gonna get it. You're baby Shepherd. The Chief would be dumb not to give it to you.
Mark: Callie's right.

I walk into the trauma room with Mark and Callie and I notice my dad in the room so I give him a small smile. I look behind the monitor and I see a little girl, who I assume is the Arthur's daughter, standing quietly. I check the man's pupils as Owen speaks.

Owen: left tib/fib. The rest of his trauma series is clear.
Delilah: he needs a head CT Dr. Hunt.
George: he's got free fluid in there.

Suddenly, Arthur starts freaking out.

Arthur: oh god. Ivy, get out of the way!

I see Ivy reach for her dad but I run over to her and hold her back to make sure she doesn't get hurt. I don't know what it was, but I felt very protective of the little girl as I hold her back. It was probably the motherly instinct in me that made me feel protective of her. Ivy calls out to her father as Mark, my dad, Owen, George and Callie try their best to hold Arthur down as he continues to freak out. Suddenly, I see Arthur swing at Callie, causing her to fall back and into the ground.

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