Chapter 47:

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Today is my first day back to work since my near death drowning experience. It is also Meredith's first day back as well. She nearly died drowning and she also lost her mother which broke my heart. I walk into the locker room where Meredith and Izzie are and I change into my scrubs.

Izzie: he's in George's room and when George's stupid marriage crashes and burns, he's gonna want to move back in and he won't be able to. His life is in shambles. He's finally realized that his dad is dead, he'll finally realize he made a fool of himself by marrying someone he doesn't really love and he'll have no place to go. Is that what you want?

I roll my eyes at Izzie's childish behaviour.

Meredith: that's exactly what I want.

I see George, Alex and Cristina walk into the room.

Alex: huh, look who found some clothes.
George: how you doing?
Meredith: okay everybody, let's do this once. I'm fine. She's cremated, I picked out a beautiful urn and she's hanging out in the back of my closet. Any more questions about my dead mother or can we get back to work?

Alex pulls me into a hug as I tie my shoes.

Cristina: does anyone know who the new Chief candidate is?
George: Chief's bringing in a ringer in case he doesn't want to give the job to either one of your boyfriends.

I smile at Bailey as she enters the locker room.

Bailey: O'Malley, you and Delilah are with Shepherd today. Yang, Dr. Montgomery. Stevens, to the clinic. Karev, Jane Doe. Grey, scut.
Meredith: once again, I am fine.
Bailey: you can tell everybody you're fine til you're blue in the face. Your mom died and you almost joined her, you're taking it easy.

I walk off with George to find my dad.

George: how are you today?
Delilah: I'm fine.
George: you sure about that?
Delilah: mhmm.
George: if you need anything, I'm here. You know that right?
Delilah: of course I do.

I kiss George on the cheek as we see my dad.

Delilah: hey! You've got me and George today.
Dad: great. You remember Dr. Helen Crawford?
Delilah: yeah. Wait, she's here?
Dad: mhmm. Follow me.

I walk alongside my dad to Dr. Crawford's room.

Dad: you feeling okay today?
Delilah: yeah, I'm fine dad.

We make it Helen's room.

Helen: Derek!
Derek: there she is. How was your flight?
Helen: they didn't feed me, which I didn't understand. Delilah!
Delilah: hi Dr. Crawford. So good to see you!

Helen pulls me into a big hug.

Derek: Dr. O'Malley, Dr. Crawford. She's a big pain in the ass.
George: pleasure.
Helen: he says that because we worked together in New York and I was the only one who never had a crush on him.
Delilah: he doesn't buy that Helen and frankly, neither do I.
Dad: my daughter is right, I don't buy that. What do we know O'Malley?
George: Dr. Crawford has a pariphalseum meningioma along the superior saginal sinus. You've operated three times, keeps on coming back.
Dad: yeah, it's in dangerous territory so we leave a bit of the tumor behind each time and we go back every couple of years and tune it up.
Helen: but this is the last time.
Dad: sorry?
Helen: this is it Derek. I'm done after this,
Dad: Helen—
Helen: the recovery takes forever and it's not like when Jake was around. I go through this by myself now.
Dad: don't throw in the towel.
Helen: I'm looking at the situation as it is. I am going to do this now. Then, I am going to spend the next two years of my life lying on the beach enjoying the sun.
Dad: Helen.
Helen: stop looking at me like I killed your cat. The decision is made.

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