Another day, another tiring work day at Seattle Grace. Today, I'm working with Callie and George and I was a bit nervous with all the tension between them. George told me that he told Callie that he had an affair and now, everything is tense. A woman came into the clinic with a twisted ankle so Bailey, George and I do some x-rays. Callie walks in as we look at the x-rays.
Callie: you paged me Dr. Bailey? Oh, I didn't know you were...
George: I'm in the clinic. Or I was...
Callie: what have you got?
Bailey: Ruthie Sales. Says she twisted her ankle falling off the Stairmaster.
Callie: she didn't twist it, she crushed it. We should book an OR right away.
Bauley: Dr. Torres, you don't think we should run a few tests first? Find out why Ruthie's bones are so fragile in the first place?
Callie: she's osteoprotic. I see it in older women all the time.
Bailey: now you're seeing it in a 28 year old.
Callie: oh, right. Call me when you get the test results.Callie gives me a small smile before leaving the room. I walk out as well and I catch up to Callie.
Delilah: hey Cal.
Callie: hey. What's up?
Delilah: listen, I want you to know that even though George is my best friend, I'm totally on your side. You didn't deserve that. You're my friend Callie and I've got your back.Callie pulls me into a hug and I could feel a couple of tears on my lab coat.
Delilah: I'm here for you Cal.
Callie: thanks Del.Callie walks off and I wait for Ruthie's test results.
Bailey, Callie, George and I got Ruthie's results and we go to her room to explain everything.
Delilah: your blood tests show low electrolyte levels, low calcium and low vitamin D. Have you been dieting?
Will: she just lost 40 pounds,
Ruthie: Will told me if I ever got down to a size 4, we'd move in together.My jaw clenches at the motive.
Delilah: how... romantic.
Ruthie: we both just needed motivation. I told him I wouldn't live with a smoker, so he quit smoking.
Bailey: the problem is, even if Dr. Torres is able to repair your fracture, it won't do any good unless you're eating more and working out less. Am I right Dr. Torres? Dr. Torres.I look over at Callie and I notice that she looked like she was in some sort of trance.
Delilah: Dr. Torres? Callie.
I snap my fingers in front of Callie's face and she snaps back to reality.
Delilah: you okay?
Callie: uh, uh... Bailey's right.
Will: so what, you're saying that you won't operate unless she puts on a bunch of weight?
Callie: no, but um—
Will: then why are we still talking about this? We came here to get her leg fixed. So fix her leg!
Callie: ... okay.-later-
I'm sitting in the cafeteria with Mer and Cristina waiting for our friends and talking about our day. My interns told me that there was going to be a fight between Callie and Izzie but I don't believe. Despite the tension between Izzie and Callie, I know that Callie is more mature than that. I know Callie enough to know that she would never result to violence.
Cristina: I'm not a bad resident, am I?
Meredith: don't ask me. I lost a patient today.
Delilah: oh no. How did they die?
Meredith: oh no, I mean lost. As in literally can't find.
Delilah: oh.
Cristina: Shepherd says I'm selfish and competitive. What the hell is wrong with that? I kick ass. I'm an excellent resident.
Meredith: I'm not. In addition to losing my patient, I also lost my intern. Turned around, he was gone. AWOL.
Cristina: see, what is wrong with these interns? We weren't like this.
Meredith: we were great interns.
Cristina: baby Shepherd and I were great. You were... you were good.
Delilah: correction, I was an amazing intern.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...