Chapter 120:

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I'm walking around the hospital with a big smile on my face. I decided to pay Vivian a visit so I walk into her room.

Delilah: hey mom.
Vivian: hi sweetie.

I sit at the edge of her bed and take her hand in mine.

Delilah: how're you doing mom?
Vivian: I've been better.
Delilah: hey, maybe I can tell you something to lift your spirits a little.
Vivian: tell me.
Delilah: ... I'm pregnant.
Vivian: oh my god!! Really?
Delilah: mhmm. I'm only a few weeks pregnant though, so you can't say anything to the boys.
Vivian: aww, I'm so happy for you honey.

Vivian pulls me into a light hug.

Delilah: thanks mom.
Vivian: I promise, I won't tell a soul.

I kiss Vivian on the head then I run off to the locker room to change. Once I was changed, I meet up with Mer and Cris who were standing in front of the intern locker room.

Meredith: just look at them. They're so...
Delilah: fresh and shiny.
Cristina: laughing, talking. It's pathetic. They're pathetic.
Meredith: I can't believe we used to be them.
Delilah: amen Mer.
Cristina: come here.

Mer and I follow Cristina into the intern locker room and we sneak up on them.

Cristina: rounds are in five minutes freaks.

I walk out with Mer and Cris.

Delilah: hey, um... I have to tell you guys something later.
Meredith: why not tell us now?
Delilah: it's a thing... a really big thing. I can tell you later. I... have to talk to my dad first. See you later.

I run off to find my dad. I see him standing at a nurses station and he smiles when he sees me.

Dad: hi honey.
Delilah: hey. So, I wanna warn you about something.
Dad: okay?
Delilah: a lot is going to change about me in the next few months. To be more specific, my body is going to change.
Dad: what do you mean hon...

I give my dad an obvious look and my dad's eyes grow wide.

Dad: honey, are... are you pregnant?
Delilah: yeah I am.

A giant smile grows on my dad's face and I chuckle as he pulls me into a big hug.

Dad: I'm gonna be a grandpa.
Delilah: you're gonna be a grandpa.
Dad: I'm so happy for you sweetheart.
Delilah: thanks dad.
Dad: how far along are you?
Delilah: only a few weeks. I shouldn't even be telling anyone, but you're my dad and I tell you everything.
Dad: how does Jackson feel?
Delilah: he's over the moon.
Dad: I'm really happy for you two.
Delilah: thanks dad.
Dad: so, are you guys gonna push the wedding until after the baby's born?
Delilah: actually, I'm gonna talk to Jackson at some point today to see if we can get married in a couple months.
Dad: I'm sure Jackson will be totally up for it.
Delilah: I think so too.
Dad: Mer's pregnant too.

My eyes grow wide.

Delilah: oh my god!!
Dad: she told me that you're the only person I was allowed to tell since you're my daughter.
Delilah: how far along is she?
Dad: a few weeks.
Delilah: oh my god, we're gonna be pregnant together!!

I pull my dad into a big hug.

Delilah: I'm gonna be a sister again.
Dad: you are.
Delilah: I'm gonna go tell Mer.

I kiss my dad on the cheek then I run off to pit. I find Mer at the desk and I run up to her with a big smile on my face.

Delilah: dad told me.

Mer turns to me and smiles at me.

Meredith: he did?
Delilah: he did. Mer, I'm so happy for you.

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