Today is the day that my dad and Mer get married and I'm so excited. My best friend and my dad are getting married.
Me- today's the day Scotty!
Scotty- oh yeah, your dad's marrying your best friend. How do you feel?
Me- ya know, to anyone else, you would think it would be weird but I'm so excited.
Scotty- ugh, I wish I could be there. Tell your dad I said congrats.
Me- I will. Gotta go, bye!I approach Cristina who was talking to Callie.
Cristina: I'm so tired... because I slept here, because you wanted to get your freak on with roller skate girl.
Callie: I'm sorry. I was gonna but... we went to dinner and... things didn't... I wasn't in the mood. I had to be here early anyway to run the ER so...
Delilah: you're picking up extra shifts in the ER Cal?
Callie: mhmm.
Cristina: so is, uh, is Owen not here today?
Callie: oh, he's here. Oh crap, I'm late.I smile when I see Meredith walk into the room.
Delilah: hey.
Meredith: hey.
Cristina: big day. Biggest day of your life.
Delilah: Cris, don't do that. Don't do the pep talk. It's really creepy, especially for Mer.
Meredith: exactly. This is why you're my maid of honour.
Cristina: good.
Delilah: wait, is this the calm before the storm?
Cristina: do we need to drug you or shave your eyebrows to numb you into submission?
Meredith: no, I'm fine. It's not the biggest day of my life.
Delilah: it's the biggest day of Izzie's life.
Meredith: exactly. I'm excited about the marriage, not some wedding.
Delilah: yeah, Izzie's gone full Bridezilla.
Cristina: Bridezilla.I chuckle at my best friend as I change into my scrubs. Once I was ready, I start walking down to the pit. I hear Alex and George talking and I walk with them down to the pit.
Delilah: hey. How's Izzie?
Alex: she's fine.I nod at Alex not wanting to push him anymore about Izzie. I know Alex is under a lot of pressure right now so I don't want to bombard him.
Delilah: hey Cal. You got anything for us?
Callie: nope. It's slow.
Alex: you don't say it's a slow day in the pit.
Delilah: you never say it's a slow day Cal. You just jinxed us.
Callie: it's a day and it's slow.
Alex: when that phone starts ringing with traumas, you're gonna wish you hadn't said that.
Callie: the phone's not gonna ring. It's a slow day.Just as Callie finishes her sentence, the phone rings and I give her an 'I told you so' face.
Callie: go for Seattle Grace emergency.
Callie looks at us and George and I share a knowing look.
George: I'll get the trauma gowns.
Delilah: INCOMING!I throw on a trauma gown then help Callie with the incoming traumas.
Paramedic: David Simons, 22, he was in the driver's seat. His car got crushed by a semi. Truck blew and jackknifed across four lanes of traffic.
Callie: okay, take him to bay one until we get a trauma room ready.I run with Callie to bring in the next trauma.
Paramedic: Becca Wells, 21 year old restrained backseat passenger. Vitals stable en route. Some shortness of breath, but good breath sounds.
Callie: okay. Del, take her to bay two for now.
Delilah: 'kay.I hear Becca speak as we get her to bay two.
Becca: David, is that you?
David: Becca, are you okay?
Becca: I-I think so. I don't know.
Delilah: one, two, three.Alex comes over and helps me with Becca. Callie was screaming for Hunt so I page him multiple times to take away Callie's stress.
Leon: Dr. Shepherd.
Delilah: oh god, I love you. Dr. Torres really needs our help around here.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...