Chapter 129:

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Jackson and I are in the lobby and I'm laughing as Jackson talk to my baby bump. I smile when I see Mer and dad walk over to us.

Webber: I love the new logo. It really catches the eye.

I look down at the floor and look at the new logo with pride.

Webber: and, uh, these coffee sleeves– excellent thermal retention.
Dad: what's up with the sheet?

I turn around and I see a giant sheet on the wall.

Delilah: I thought y'all put it there for some big unveiling.
Meredith: nope.
Webber: well, somebody should say a few words, right? I mean, it's unlucky not to.
Arizona: hey, why are you guys staring at the wall?

I turn around to see Callie and Arizona joining the group. The night we became board directors, Callie called me and apologized for calling me Jackson's "puppy dog wife" and I have forgiven her.

Cristina: oh, we're waiting for the... big unveiling.
Callie: mm. Well, you should be staring at my wife.

We all turn back around and look at Arizona.

Meredith: new haircut?
Callie: no, it's her leg. She's wearing high heels.

I admire Arizona's high heels and her new leg.

Callie: because she has a sexy high heel leg that makes her ass go pow.

I take a look and I gasp.

Cristina: ooh. Wow. Wow.
Meredith: hey.
Delilah: daaaamn!
Dad: woah! Okay.
Cristina: oh, wow. Baby got back.
Delilah: hell yeah.
Callie: mhmm. Come on guys. You can comment too, you have permission. It's the one time in your life you can say it... and, uh, not be gross.

I look over at Jackson who was not looking anywhere near Arizona's ass.

Webber: well, I think it's a fine gluteal—
Arizona: oh no. Yeah, let's just do the unveiling.
Jackson: um, guys, I think the painters actually just left that there.

Jackson removes the sheet, revealing the new sign with the new hospital name.

Jackson: let's get back to work.

I hang back with Jackson as everyone part ways.

Delilah: you didn't even look at Arizona once.
Jackson: didn't have to.
Delilah: baby, even I looked. Callie gave permission to look and you didn't take it.
Jackson: I didn't want to, because there's only one ass that I wanna look at, and it's yours.

I chuckle at Jackson as he pulls me into a kiss.

Delilah: you're a dork.
Jackson: you love me.
Delilah: I do. Now, I have to meet Owen and show the interns the new ER. And we get to show off our new x-ray!!
Jackson: you're excited about your new ER toy, aren't you?

I rapidly nod my head, causing Jackson to chuckle.

Delilah: I get to be a trauma surgeon!
Jackson: go, be a trauma dork.

I kiss Jackson one last time then run off to the ER to meet Owen. I had a smile on my face the whole tour.

Owen: and get to know the new electronic board. It automatically updates the location of your patients and any labs that have been ordered.
Delilah: and we now have workstations at every bed, which are fully integrated with the new charting system.
April: and the beds are now numbered differently, so just pay attention.

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