Ahh, Thanksgiving! A day to be thankful for the people in your life. The only person I've ever been thankful for is my dad but now, I have other people in my life to be thankful for. George invited me to Mer's for Thanksgiving and I obviously said yes. I decided to drive over to Mer's house and make something nice. When I get there, I see Izzie running around the kitchen.
Delilah: hey.
Izzie: thank God you're here. Please tell me you can cook.
Delilah: honey, I am here to make pumpkin pie and moral support and that is it. You're all on your own.
Izzie: don't you like celebrating Thanksgiving?
Delilah: from high school until the med school, I took as many shifts as I could to support myself. I always worked on Thanksgiving, so my dad and I always "celebrated" the day after by ordering burgers, sitting on the couch and watch a movie.
Izzie: Thanksgiving is the best holiday to celebrate. It's a day to be thankful for all the blessings in your life.
Delilah: the only thing I've ever been thankful for is my dad and my family. Well, the ones that didn't abandon me.I start making my famous pumpkin pie while I chat with Izzie.
Izzie: I like this. You and me talking.
Delilah: yeah. We haven't been able to talk to each other for more than a couple of minutes without me wanting to gouge your eyes.
Izzie: yeah, our history doesn't have the best track record.
Delilah: ya think?Izzie and I share a laugh.
Delilah: despite everything you've ever said about me... you're not bad Izzie.
Izzie: you too.I smile at the girl then I make my pie. I hear my phone ring and I see that aunt Amy calling me.
Me- happy Thanksgiving aunt Amy!!
Amy- happy Thanksgiving kiddo!! I wish you were here. New York misses you so much.
Me- I miss it too. Ugh! Part of me wishes I never left New York.
Amy- but the bigger part of you doesn't regret it.
Me- ... yeah.
Amy- well, I'm thinking about you today.
Me- don't lie, you're thinking about my pie.
Amy- maybe...
Me- I know you aunt Amy.
Amy- agh, you caught me. But I do miss you.
Me- I miss you too. I should go but I love you.
Amy- I love you too kid.Izzie: was that your family?
Delilah: my aunt, yeah.
Izzie: you're pretty close to them, huh?
Delilah: my grandma and one of my aunts. I love my other three aunts but a lot of the time, they drive me insane.
Izzie: have you and your dad always been as close as you are?
Delilah: of course. He raised me on his own from the day I was born and never looked back. We spend every waking moment together, you hardly ever see us apart.
Izzie: yeah, I've seen that.
Delilah: our relationship gets better with each passing day. He never lets a day go by without telling me that he loves me.
Izzie: I've never seen you guys fight. Have you ever?
Delilah: small fights but we always work it out. I could never be mad at him for long.
Izzie: you've never had a gigantic fight that ended with one of you walking out or saying something you regret?
Delilah: no. We've never been ones to yell at each other. We sit down and talk it out.
Izzie: that's awesome. I wish I had that with my family.
Delilah: hey, your mom sounds lovely.
Izzie: she's crazy.
Delilah: you're lucky you actually have a mom. Remember, I don't have one so you're still lucky Iz.Then, I hear the doorbell. I walk to the door and answer it. I smile when I see Cristina with Burke.
Delilah: I hope you know you're dead when Izzie sees you're—
Izzie: it's half past 10! You're late! I've had to try to do all...Izzie sees Burke.
Izzie: oh, hi Dr. Burke. Hello.
Delilah: hi Dr. Burke.I let them in then Izzie pulls Cristina to the side.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...