Chapter 154:

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I'm walking through the halls with Jackson when April approaches us.

April: I just lied to my husband.
Delilah: good morning to you too April.
Jackson: hi April.
April: Edwards did my ultrasound. I told her I didn't want to know the sex of the baby, and she still told me!
Delilah: oh, you know? Tell me!! Am I getting a godson or a goddaughter?
April: I can't believe she told me.
Delilah: it's fine April. Now, tell me!!
April: ... it's a boy.

I let out an excited squeal then I hug April.

Delilah: I'm so happy for you!! And as for Edwards, don't be too rough on her about it. Stress isn't good for the baby so just relax and enjoy being pregnant. Everything will be fine.

I push April off and continue walking with Jackson. A few minutes later, I get paged by Owen. I run down to the lab and I find Owen and Callie with one of their patients that they were testing for their robotic leg.

Delilah: what happened?
Owen: he fell and hit his head, hard.

I start checking his pupils.

Delilah: could be just a concussion, but it's acting like a bleed.
Owen: I've already called CT.
Schultz: he's gonna be okay, right? Sir, he's my best friend. He's got to make it.
Delilah: we're gonna take good care of him.
Callie: I'll meet you in the OR?
Owen: no. Stay with Rick. You've done enough.

I mouth 'sorry' to Callie as we wheel him out. Once I had the CT scans, I page Amy to assist me and we scrub in together. Owen walks into the room as we finish.

Owen: how's he look?
Delilah: CT showed a multifocal hemorrhage with some edema. Amy and I will know more once we're in there, but he'll need a full craniotomy.
Owen: okay. Well, page me when you're out.

Owen was about to leave when Amy speaks up.

Amy: I feel like I owe you an explanation... about what you heard last week.
Delilah: Amy...
Owen: you don't need—
Amy: I had a pill problem. I got clean. Two years ago, I relapsed, and for a brief time, I got into oxy... and then shooting oxy. I lost someone. Um, that was rock bottom, and I have been clean ever since.

I place a comforting hand on Amy's back, not caring that I have to rescrub.

Owen: listen, Derek and Lilah told me everything I need, so you don't have—
Amy: I work for you. And I respect you, and I like you, so if it's alright, I don't care to hang my professional relationships on Derek Shepherd's reputation. I needed you to hear it from me. I know it's a choice, keeping me on. I know I'm a risk.
Owen: we're all a risk. We all have something. I mean, I have my own version. And it was different. It took a different toll. It still does, and I push through every day. And I'm assuming you're doing the same thing, unless I see otherwise. Okay?
Amy: okay.

I nod at Owen before he walks out.

Delilah: you okay?
Amy: I have you. I'm fine.

I smile at my aunt then I quickly rescrub before going into surgery.


Unfortunately, my guy came out of surgery into a coma. I'm in his room with Owen examining him when Callie comes in.

Callie: Shepherd and Lilah said he's in a coma.
Owen: yeah. Early signs of herniation. It's inpossible to tell how deep the damage is, and there's no signs of him coming around.

I check his pupils then I stand back.

Owen: I told you.
Callie: hey, I didn't push him. I know you think I did, but they pushed each other.
Owen: you should've stopped them.
Delilah: Owen.
Callie: they're– you know these guys. There's—
Owen: you don't know the first thing about them. You don't know what risk means to them. Jordan is a 22 year old kid who's asked to defuse bombs left in a supermarket filled with families. That's risk to them. These guys have to decide in an instant whether the person they're about to shoot is an insurgent with a pistol or a school kid with a cellphone. That's risk. So no, they don't see the danger in stepping up on a stair. You should have stopped him.

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