This is it. Today is the day we find out who gets to do their very first solo surgery. My hands are shaking with anxiety and my palms are sweating. All the residents are in the locker room anxiously waiting to hear the name of who got it. I'm currently sitting on George's lap with George's arms wrapped around my waist and my head resting on his chest. Sitting with George is the one thing that is keeping me calm at the moment.
Delilah: Georgie, I'm getting really impatient.
George: relax D, they're just making sure they're picking the best resident.George kisses my forehead as I let out a sigh and cuddle into my best friend. I jump when I see the door fly open and I see Spalding burst in.
Ryan: he said Karev.
Alex: yes!
G&D: are you sure?
Ryan: yeah.
Izzie: you're sure sure?Spalding looks at all of us with hesitation.
George: oh.
I let out a groan as Spalding walks out of the room. Minutes later, one of Izzie's interns bursts into the room.
Girl intern: Stevens! He said Stevens.
Alex: well, which is it moron? Stevens or Karev?
Delilah: this is stupid!
Cristina: you guys are gonna trust these imbeciles to tell you who's getting the solo surgery?
Izzie: is this hard for you, being banned from the solo surgery? Must be really hard for you.
Delilah: Iz, calm down.
Meredith: he may change his mind. He's been known to change his mind.
Cristina: please don't do that. You guys go ahead and, uh, will yourselves to be voted in. Use "the secret".I roll my eyes at Cristina as I see Bailey come in. I was about to greet Bailey when another intern, who believe is one of Cristina's interns, walks into the room.
Steve: Grey! Uh, the Chief said Grey.
I let out a groan of frustration.
Delilah: come on!
Alex: this is bogus?
Bailey: you're just figuring that out? Steve is not a lip reader. None of the interns are lip readers. You just have to wait for the Attendings to vote just like we did when I won.
Cristina: you won your solo surgery?
Delilah: of course she did Cristina. She's Miranda Bailey. She's confident, young and incredibly gifted.
Bailey: exactly Shepherd. I was good. I didn't cut LVAD wires, or put my hand in bomb-y body cavities, or have my interns operating on themselves...Way to call me out there for a sec Bailey. I just praised you out of the goodness of my heart and here you are calling me out.
Bailey: everybody knew it. The Attendings knew it, the Chief knew it. I didn't have to act like I could read lips. Just go about my work calmly, and waited for my name to get called.
I see Lexie burst into the room panting.
Lexie: okay, it's done.
Delilah: oh, whatever Helen Keller.I tend to get bitchy when I'm impatient. I also haven't had coffee today so I'm twice as bitchy.
Lexie: no, I'm serious. The Chief sent me, they made their choice.
G&D: who is it?-minutes later-
We all wait by the conference room for the Chief to talk to us. I perk up when I see the Chief leave the conference room.
Webber: I am happy to announce that the first solo surgery will take place tonight... a below the knee amputation, bone cancer.
Delilah: poor guy.
Webber: Mr. Collinsworth in 2212.
Delilah: aww, he's so sweet.
Meredith: no appy?
Alex: saw action. Sweet.
Delilah: pay attention to the Chief.
Webber: choosing who gets the first solo surgery isn't just about who has the best surgical skills or who's logged the most hours in the OR. It's about the highest form of trust... the trust to put a patient's life into one of our resident's hands. And for the first time that I can recall, it came to a tie.
Delilah: woah.
Webber: my vote had to break it. The winner... was Dr. Yang. However, Dr. Yang is out of the running so she will pick the winner instead.
George: wait, who was the other person? They should get it instead.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...