Chapter 36:

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I'm walking through the halls of Seattle Grace when I hear the voices of my two best friends by the nurses station.

Meredith: it's not Tyler's fault you're a dirty, dirty stripper.

I chuckle as I get closer to my girls. I heard from Tyler just a few moments ago that Cristina went to Burke's room and tried to give him a strip show when Burke's parents walked in on her, completely embarrassing her.

Cristina: you heard?!
Meredith: everyone heard. Stripper.

I wrap my arm around Cristina and decided to join in on the teasing.

Delilah: morning dirty stripper!
Cristina: damn it, not you too baby Shepherd!

I chuckle at my Cristina  as I hand Meredith a cup of coffee.

Delilah: yeah... Tyler told me like five minutes ago.
Cristina: that little rat!!

I chuckle at my best friend I sit down on top of the nurses station.

Meredith: stripper.
Cristina: oh, you're one to talk. Sleeping with two men.
Meredith: wrong. I'm not sleeping with any of them, not until I pick one. If I haven't made a decision by the end of the day, I'm flipping a coin.
Delilah: yeah, that's a very reasonable idea Mer.
Meredith: hey, a girl can only hold out for so long.
Cristina: oh, and somehow I'm the dirty stripper.

I chuckle at Cristina as Dr. Bailey comes around the corner.

Bailey: good morning Dr. Shepherd.
Delilah: good morning Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: you two have time to round or are you too busy getting naked on hospital property?

I stifle a laugh as Bailey goes to walk away and I start following her as Cristina tries to defend herself.

Cristina: I wasn't... I wasn't naked!

We start doing our rounds. Alex walks next to me and throws his arm around me as we walk. We end up in the room of a 30 or so year old woman sitting in bed eating a giant cake.

Bailey: Ms. Seabury, what... what are you... no, I'm sorry. You cannot be eating.
Webber: what is all this?
Ms. Seabury: this is chocolate raspberry soufflé cake and it's the best thing I've ever tasted in my life. Except for maybe the banana cream torte there, it's pretty stunning really. Bakeries deliver, did you know that? Please, grab a fork.
Webber: Ms. Seabury, you're scheduled for surgery this afternoon.
Ms. Seabury: we push the surgery a little? Tomorrow, maybe? Oh my god, you've got to taste this!
Bailey: ma'am, you have an aggressive form of lung cancer. The sooner we get you into surgery, the better your chances of living. So I've heard. It's all very aggressive. I mean, it's very—

Bailey gets cut off when Ms. Seabury starts giggling profusely.

Ms. Seabury: I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I've never smoked pot. I've never drank. Before today, I hadn't had a dessert in 10 years. I am the picture of health. And now... I have lung cancer. Come on, it's absurd, right?

Her giggles start to die down a bit.

Ms. Seabury: oh... I'm sorry. I think I'm on a sugar high.

We take our conversation outside.

Webber: O'Malley, reschedule her surgery for tomorrow, get her a psych consult, and no more food deliveries.
George: yes sir.
The Chief walks off then I see Meredith nod at George towards Bailey as we continue our rounds.

George: so... um, Dr. Bailey?
Bailey: surgeons don't say "um" Dr O'Malley. You want to be a surgeon, learn to speak like one.
Alex: look, he wants you to talk to the Chief about Izzie—
George: she's just baking... a lot of baking, and it seems a waste for all her talent and medical skills to go into muffins. We just thought you might be willing to help—
Bailey: stop... talking.
George: yes ma'am.

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